i'd like完整形式 idlike完整形式怎么写辽

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:27 1




i'd like完整形式 idlike完整形式怎么写辽i'd like完整形式 idlike完整形式怎么写辽

She told me she had just made a new film.



本课仍然是有关情态动词表猜测的用法,侧重点的是must和can't对过去发生的动作或状态的猜测,其结构基本为:must/can't he been/done/been doing。如:

You must he been driving at snty miles an hour.

I can't he been.

I must he been dreaming.

Look, Gary! That polman's wing to you. He wants you to stop. 1)当look被用作提示语时,其后的句子的谓语动词经常要采用现在进行时。 2)we to . 向某人招生示意。 3)want如果后接动词有两种用法,即. want to do sth.和. want . else to do sth. 前者表示某人自己想做什么,而后者表示某人想要其他人做什么。注意对比:He wants to stop. vs. He wants you to stop.

Where do you think you are? On a race track? You must he been driving at snty miles an hour. 1)“Where do you think you are?”中的do you think后面接的是where的疑问句。注意本句其实是个反诘句,不需要回答的,注意朗读时语气要把警察强烈的责备语气读出来。 2)“On a race track?”是个省略疑问句,其完整形式为:“Do you think you are on a race track?” 3)an hour中的an不是表示数量,而是表单位,意思为“每...” 4)注意“drive at+速度”的用法,速度前要用介词at。 5)注意本句话中的must he been doing其实是使用了完成进行时,这要到第二册才会正式学习,在此不宜作拓展解释。建议只给学生提供中文意思解释。

I can't he been. 这是一句简略回答,其完整形式为:I can't he been driving at snty miles an hour。

I was doing eighty when I overtook you. 1)可提问学生为什么本句话中的谓语动词都采用了过去的时态(因为警察描述的是当时Gary超速驾驶时,警察追赶他时的情景)。 2)“do+速度(数字即可)”,相当于“drive at+速度”。 3)overtake,从后面超越,超车。 4)可复习一下在过去时间的背景下when和while的用法。

Didn' you see the speed limit? 1)可提问学生此处为什么使用一般过去时didn't(因为警察反问的是当时Gary超速驾驶时看没看到限速牌)。 2)speed limit,限速。 3)注意本句为反问句。

I'm afraid I didn't, offr. I must he been dreaming. 对警察的称呼一般都用offr(,警官)。注意与official(官员)的区别。

He wan't dreaming, offr. I was ling him to drive slowly. 注意两句话的谓语动词都采用了过去进行时,是因为Ann描述的是当时Gary一直在开小,而她又一直在劝他要开慢点。

That's why I didn't see the sign. 1)注意句中的why前面省略了先行词reason,从这个意义上讲,why的是定语从句。但是,就这个句子本身来讲,why是直接跟在That's后面的,所以其的是表语从句。 2)注意有的学生无法理解这句话的涵义,建议老师跟学生做解释。Gary之所以说那就是他没看到路牌的原因,其实他暗示的是一路上Ann一直不断提醒他要开慢点,他反倒因此觉得啰嗦而烦躁分了神,所以没看到路牌。

Let me see your driving lnce. 1)let . do sth.让某人做某事。 2)driving lnce,驾照。注意lnce为英式英语的拼写,美式英语拼作lnse。

I won't charge you this time. But you'd better not do it again! 1)charge .罚某人的款。 charge可以表示“收费”。 2)注意复习had better()的用法,即:had better do sth.和had better not do sth.

Thank you. I'll certainly be more careful. 需要注意careful虽然是两音节单词,但其比较级还是要用more,这是因为careful属于派生词,即通过加后缀构成的。

I told you to drive slowly, Gary. 1)可提问学生为什么Ann此处的使用了一般过去时(因为Ann描述的是说话前发生的事情)。 2)注意l后接动词的用法,即:l . to do sth.其否定形式为:l sth. not to do sth.

You always l me to drive slowly, darling. 注意因为Gary使用了always,说明他要描述的是Ann一直做的事情,所以谓语动词要采用一般现在时。

Well, next time you'd better take my a! 1)next time,下次。 2)take one's a,采纳某人的建议。


继续练must/can't he been的用法:注意第129课侧重的是must/can't he been doing(表动作)的用法,而第130课里出现了must/can't he been(表状态)的用法。





We may go abroad. (将来)

It may be cheaper. (现在)

He may he been busy. (过去)

Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?1)可复习一下be going to do和will do的区别。 2)注意spend的用法:spend sth. on sth. / (in) doing sth.

We may go abroad. I'm not sure.1)注意may表示猜测时,可能性较小,所以Gary接着补充了I'm not sure。 2)go abroad,去国外。注意提醒学生abroad的拼写,很容易被误拼为:abraod。

Will you trel by sea or by air? We may trel by sea.1)注意选择疑问句的回答不能用Yes/No。 2)可复习一下交通工具的介词用法,除了on foot,其他的一般都用by。注意by sea相当于by ship,by air相当于by plane。介词和交通工具间不能插入任何成分。

It's cheaper, isn't it? It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.1)句中使用cheaper,其实是在比较by sea和by air的价格。It's cheaper其实是省略结构,其完整形式为:It's cheaper to trel by sea than by air。 2)注意take的用法,即:It takes/took . time to do sth.。如:It took me five hours to get there by car.

I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves.1)可复习一下宾语从句的用法。I'm sure后面省略了that。 2)enjoy oneself,玩得开心。

Don't be so sure. We might not go anywhere. 1)Don't be so sure.不要那么肯定。可以作为常用句型来识记运用。 2)might是may的过去式,但它表示的可能性比may还要小。 3)not...anywhere可以换做nowhere。

My wife always worries too much.worry用作了动词,表示“担忧、担心”,相当于be worried (about)。too much作为副词短语,修饰worry。

Who's going to look after the dog? Who's going to look after the house? Who's going to look after the garden. 1)这三句话形成了排比句式,起到了很好的强调作业,把Gary妻子总是担心这担心那的特点很好地表达出来了。 2)look after,照顾、照看。

We he this problem ry year. In the end, we stay at home and look after rything! 1)he this problem,碰到这类问题。注意区分problem(困难,麻烦)和question(问题,疑问)。 2)in the end,。相当于at last。





She said she was not going to make another.

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.

He you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Yes, I he. 1)可复习一下现在完成时的基本用法。 2)make a film,拍电影。

Karen Marsh: Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones. 1)可介绍文章标题的格式分类及其要求。此处的标题在人名Karen Marsh加上冒号,起到提示补充作用。而sensational news以感叹号结尾,则起着抓眼球的作用,用来引起读者的注意。 2)sensational,耸人听闻的。该词来源于sensation。 3)by our reporter意思是该文章是由our reporter写的。注意英语里要标注文章的作者是谁一般都用by来。而逗号后面的Alan Jones则用作reporter的同位语,起补充说明作用。

Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. 注意区分arrive at(小地点)和arrive in(大地方)。

She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. 1)可提问学生此处的谓语动词为什么采用过去进行时(因为该句描述的是当时Karen Marsh下飞机时正穿着什么衣服。 2)注意区分wear和put on。

She tolde me she had just made a new film. 间接引语采用的是过去完成时,因为其直接引语的谓语动词采用的是现在完成时的形式。

She said she was not going to make another. She said she was going to retire. 间接引语的谓语动词采用的是过去进行时,因为直接引语的谓语动词采用的是现在进行时。

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time. 间接引语的谓语动词采用的是一般过去时,因为直接英语的谓语动词采用的是一般现在时。

I wonder why! 1)wonder,想知道。相当于want to know。 2)该句采用了感叹号结尾,强调作者对于Karen Marsh的打算感叹很奇怪。



I'd也就是I would的具体用法是后面跟动词原形、be原形或者he done,比如I'd like to trel by train,意思是继续练间接引语的用法。我想要坐火车去旅行。


(1)I'd like to learn a new language.


(2)I'd like some milk.


(3)I'd like to know the truth.

译:我很想知道真相。“I'd”的完整形式为“I would”,意思是我想要、我希望、我愿意。与之同理的还有“I'll”,表示的是“I will”的意思。

(4)I'd be grateful if you could.


(5)I'd he told her the answer.


⒈I 'd like(完整形式)⒉thin(反义词)⒊let's(完整形式)⒋tomato(复数)

Are you going to make another? No, I'm not. I'm going to retire. I don't want to make another film for a long time. 1)another表示另一个,后面省略了film。 2)for a long time,很久。

My wife wants to go to Egypt. I'd like to go 以上内容参考:there, too. We can't make up our minds. 1)注意Egypt的拼写和发音。 2)make up one's mind,下定决心。I would like

I would like

1.I would like


3.let us



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