世界杯是设计好的么吗英文 世界杯设计图

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:23 1


整个赛事将需要一个月。今年,首场赛事会在6月11日举行,一场决赛将於 7月11日举行。

World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held ry four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport.

世界杯是设计好的么吗英文 世界杯设计图世界杯是设计好的么吗英文 世界杯设计图


The women’s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds r to witness a women’s sporting nt. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 nt, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.

The World Cup is held once ry four years. This year, the World Cup matches will be held in South Africa.

The whole tournament will take one month. This year, it will start from June 11 and the final match will be held on July 11.

There will be 32 nations participating in the World Cup. If I go there, I can watch 64 matches in total.




是这样吗aance, final, football, penalties, quarter-final, semi-final, 世界杯 英文, 世界杯足球 英文, 世界杯足球赛 英文, 八强赛 英文, 冠军赛 英文, 出局 英文, 四强赛 英文, 平手 英文, 晋级 英文, 比数 英文, 准冠军赛 英文, 罚球 英文?




The FIFA Award for the Most Entertaining Team is a fairly new accolade for the FIFA World Cup. It is a subjectively awarded prize for the team which has done the most to entertain the public with a itive approach to the . The award is always organized through public participation in a poll. Recent awards he been determined by an Inter vote which may not fairly and accuray represent fan demographics.



South Africa is the one World Cup. Mere 145, goals and light young German is contributed nearly 1 9 16 goals. Champions Spain scored eight goals, goals are history at the champions, Add considerable misjudgment, is really boring. When Brazil and Portugal at ordinary times, 0-0 stuffy group goal meant it is not the World Cup.

Howr, the World Cup if the above factors aside, there are still some interesting. The World Cup winner is lack of the Italian team title: out of home, France, England team did not qualify divide by Germany, wash, Argentina 4 after losing by German messi bright, zero Dutch that is similar to an own goal scoring send Brazil home... These lets a person look like a false news omnipresent swept. The World Cup champion, the most popular candidate early exit, for the scudetto.

This is the FIFA World Cup, the World Cup strands.

Important Information: For example, the winners of the cut road, internal strife in France, the defending champions Italy out, etc.

This World Cup1. be going to + V 即将… is fun or boring?

South Africa World Cup is more controversial World Cup. Only a mere 145 goals, but just the young German on the contributed nearly 1 / 9 of the 16 goals; champions Spain only into the eight ball, is the least number of goals in the history of the championship team; coupled with a considerable number of false itives, it is very boring. When Brazil and Portugal 0世界杯赛的奖杯是1928年FIFA为得胜者特制的奖品,是由巴黎首饰弗列尔铸造的,其模特是希腊传说中的胜利女神尼凯。雕像由纯金铸成,重1800克,高30厘米,立在大理石底座上。此杯为流动奖品,每届冠军可把金杯保存4年,下一届赛前交还给足联,以便发给新的世界冠军。-0 group stage usually boring, it is destined to score more than that this is the World Cup.

This World Cup is fun or boring?

South Africa World Cup is more controversial World Cup. Only a mere 145 goals, but just the young German on the contributed nearly 1 / 9 of the 16 goals; champions Spain only into the eight ball, is the least number of goals in the history of the championship team; coupled with a considerable number of false itives, it is very boring. When Brazil and Portugal 0-0 group stage usually boring, it is destined to score more than that this is the World Cup.


‘ 1 9 16 ’这个是什么意思?英文翻译过来就是1/9 ,16个进球吗?我英语基本不会,但这个。。。。楼主想要翻译这个东西你直接下个 有道 就完事了,才几M的大小,很方便好用,上面翻译的估计就是用有道翻译的,我看了下木什么区别翻译后。


1. 历史

现在足联的世界杯奖杯 - "大力神杯"于1970年制造。当年,巴西队第三次夺冠后可以永远保存原先的"雷米特杯"("雷米特杯"于1983年被盗,至今仍未找到)。从1974年起,这座"大力神杯"经历了七届世界杯争夺战,在众多的冠军中包括了于1994年在美国夺冠的巴西队。

2. 设(我觉得巴西会赢。)计

现在的"大力神杯"是由意大利雕塑家西尔维奥·加扎尼加(Silvio Gazzaniga)设计的,严格来讲,这并不能称作一个奖杯。整座雕塑由18K黄金打造,高36厘米,重4970克。底座上镶有两圈绿色的孔雀石圆环。环中的金色部分设计了17个空格的"英雄榜",用来刻上冠的名称 - 这个"英雄榜"能记录下到2038年所有的世界杯冠军。目前为止,"英雄榜"上已记下了七个名字,他们分别是德国(1974和1990)、阿根廷(1978和1986)、意大利(1982)、巴西(1994)及法国(1998)

3. 所有权


4. 含义




This is the FIFA World Cup, people entangled in the World Cup.

以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于举行世界杯的英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly aanced to its undisd status as the greatest single sporting nt of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternay in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

The 2014 World Cup will be hold in .It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world.My forite team is the Spainish Team.And my forite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup.Because China has nr won a World Cup before.This year I hope the situation will change.

When the match begins,I hope I can watch it.But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it.Because study is always the first priority.I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.

Maybe one day my dream can come true.





World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held ry four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport. The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting nt in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final of the 1998 tournament was played to a evision audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination s within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds r to witness a women's sporting nt. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 nt, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.


根据查询相关资料可知,ISF世界杯是一项性的学生体育赛事。国Since 1930, the 16 tournaments he seen only sn different winners. Howr, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that he ed create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....际足联世界杯,简称世界杯,是由全世界别球队参与,象征足球界荣誉,并具有知名度和影响力的足球赛事。





After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.

e.g I think Brazil is going to win.

当我们要对比赛做出预测时,我们就可以使用「(队伍)+ be going to + V」的句型。

2. aance (v.) 晋级(= go The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nation(s) over a period of about a month – this phase is often called the World Cup Finals. A qualification phase, which currently takes place over the preceding three years, is used to determine which teams qualify for the tournament toger with the host nation(s).through)

= We he gone through the next round!


3. quarter-final 八强赛 4. semi-final 四强赛(准冠军赛) 5. final 冠军赛 6. out 出局

e.g England was out.

= England didn’t go through.


= Brazil beat Columbia 2-1.


Columbia lost one nil.


8. 平手的用法

e.g Columbia drew with Brazil.

= Columbia tied with Brazil.


e.g It was 2-all.

(两队 2 比 2 平手。)


After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.

History of the FIFA World Cup

观赏性球队 Most Entertaining Team

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

还有翻译的 ,要吗??

History of the FIFA World Cup

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

History of the FIFA World Cup

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

The FIFA World Cup, also called the Football World Cup or the Soccer World Cup, but usually referred to simply as the World Cup, is an international association football competition contested by the men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The championship has been awarded ry four years since the first tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of World War II.

During the 18 tournaments that he been held, sn nations he won the title. Brazil he won the World Cup a record five times, and they are the only team to he played in ry tournament. Italy, the current champions, he won four titles, and Germany are next with three titles. The other former champions are Uruguay, winners of the inaugural tournament, and Argentina, with two titles each, and England and France, with one title each.

The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting nt in the world; an estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany.[1] The next World Cup will be held in South Africa, between 11 June and 11 July 2010, and the 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil.

from Wikipedia,

World Cup


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