
智创体育 2024-09-21 08:19 1










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Before the game, kobe's individual playoff career total score has reached 4747 points for the NBA history, the fifth. If he get 15 points in today, can transcend Karl Malone (4761 points), to the state, the history of the fourth xia can burn. Despite the first quarter,Nowitzki cheap NFL jerseys contract is good, Bryant and 1 people but clearly that he is the most suitable for shots in the timing of the attack.

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From these data, is can simply conclusion: Della salihamidzic has exceeded Nash? Just a single game, the answer to this question may be sure. But the whole situation, the answer is whether natural moThe lakers' offense,Authentic NBA jerseys, the sun appears big trouble after the lakers bench has been a whirlwind points, 10 points behind the finally forced out of the "kobe time". This section, kobe Bryant made six of eight, including three 3-pointers, single section under MAO 15 points. This section 3 seconds remaining 2 points, kobe Bryant hit with three points, the third is the individual first 15 points, the total score 4762 achieve personal playoffs, officially became NBA playoff history's fourth-largest scorer.de.

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The Los Angeles lakers to a 106-115 road, the phoenix SUNS two western conference finals after losing streak, the aggregate is also turn into a 2-2 draw. Kobe Bryant, he still has an cut 38 points and 10 assists and seven rebounds overall performance, and individual career total score is beyond Karl Malone, rose to record the fourth. Unfortunately, the lakers are not all that for a victory.






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See, even if the handle, Steve Nash, the data in no time, all eight points scored positional warfare, free from, but the key moments of victory, he is still the most worthy of that gold terry hand ace in the hole. Small five nine minutes before the game featuring a substitute, the poor points into double figures. See, the sun has played game reserve big ailable, but after all the other champions, just for your whistle, they did not I wouldn't give up. Based on these aspects into consideration, the final 3 and 4 seconds, sun 103-94 nine points, terry was first made all adjustments, with Steve Nash, the substituted Della salihamidzic behind intention is obvious: fear,Kobe Bryant NBA Jersey scored super Malone playoffs,wholesale NBA jerseys, a young man played indifferent, easy to cause the indulgence of own backyard. Nash as first-team player rotation axis of the first, endowed with responsibility is obvious. Finally, Nash did not fail, the sun ChongWang 115-106 win, still won nine points, the task was completed.

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