
智创体育 2024-09-21 08:19 1




Congratulation letterDear Stan,Your elevation to vice president and personnel director was a great news! Although the announcement was surprise count me among those who yelled “Hallelujah!” when the news became official. I’m not only pleased about this advancement for you. I’m also happy that the personnel division has come to mean so much to the company that its new titular head has been awarded the title of vice president.You must know how I feel about this , Stan. I do enjoy working with you; you’re once in a million when it comes to imagination, ideas and human relationship. You‘re responsible for my being in the company, and I’ve never regretting the decision to join you. Sincerely yours自己再根据需要修改,大部分是这样的。

希望可以帮到你,(^__^) 如果我的回答可以帮助到你,烦请您给我好评哦,谢谢!


希望有人懂你的低头不语,小心翼翼守护你的孩子气。你知道有哪些唯美英文的可以知道摘抄的好 句子 呢?这里给大家分享一些关于唯美英文的句子,供大家参考。



I want you to give my happiness, others can't afford it.


I didn't give up and I won't lee you.


I think, I he wiped out the habit that you give.


Give you chocolate, not worthy of your sweet.


Break up, all the reasons will eventually become excuses.


Startled Acacia not exposed, the original only because of bone.


The men I love are not my men.


If you can let it go. Will it look happier?


I he been alone for many years.


After the first half of life, we understand that life is not easy.


How I want God of love to seal me in your heart.


You are the joy of youth. Read it backwards.


In fact, happiness is in front of you.


Why can't all the pictures in my memory be blocked.


Because your side is too crowded, I choose to give up.


Maybe I eat too much salt, and I always miss you when I'm free.


Sometimes some things, do not know than know happiness.


I love you, not only your tenderness, but also your anger.


Blue misty rain, lonely shadow waiting for you to come back.


By others' words, speak your own heart.


Life is not drama, it is much more cruel than drama.


I am proud of the prosperity, not love.


If you don't fight yourself, you'll be stronger.

24、有情人的 清明 节都能当情人节过。

Qingming Festival with lovers can be Valentine's day.


To make life a life, not a survival.


If I disappear, who will miss me crazy.


There is nothing wrong, just can't go back.


At that moment, it was the happiest melody I heard.


Singing sad songs, recalling the sad past.


My socks are kicking, just like your pants.


Love a person, miss is unable to give up.


I heard that you were fighting in the battlefield, and I would like to be your Sinan.


You are the nearby lamp, also is the distant star river.


From now on, driving without a license will no longer be necessary.


It's better to hate people's heart than water.


It's a long way from the end, whether it's my love words to you.


In today's society, pretty girls are always paper people.


Through the window, enjoy the sunshine quietly.


Clouds can dissipate, love for you will not oke.


Growing up on the road is always lonely, always a person.



May the wind blowing to me, can bypass the sea of people to embrace you.


Time all good, nothing better than four words to achieve your wish! Dear stranger, may you he your wish.


Is the essence of youth is loneliness, or loneliness permeates the whole youth.


You he given me great joy, but love is in vain.


Ideal but after years of wine on the table with emotion, learn to be happy and angry without tears, worldly wisdom no longer lose one's manners, but why, after drunk still feel sad.


If the whole world talks ill of you, I'll tell you something about the world.


If I he gray hair and my face is fading, will you, as usual, hold my hands and be gentle.


The days are sweet, like the morning lemonade, like the winter sun, like the sea in a dream, like meeting you for the first time.


Don't say I don't care about you, but you he never known me, and as you can see, I care.


Flowers drift, water flows, a kind of Acacia, two leisure sorrow. This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart.


It's better to accompany me through every spring, summer, autumn and winter with me.


It's time for you to part from your old clothes.


There may not be much I can do for you, but I will always be there when you need it.


Let your heart bathe in the sun, with the fresh dew, the thoughts fly in the blue sky and white clouds, gradually extend.


The secret as the stars, the people who really like as the moon, all hidden in the heart, the heart will become a luminous luminous night sky.


The biggest sense of security is: money. The more money, the less problems.


There is only one life to rely on, always let you down.


For the rest of my life, you should spoil me and not let me be wronged; for the rest of my life, I only like you and hold you in my hand.


In the world of mortals, I met a man. In the long time, say goodbye to a person.


In the world. Gold, iron horse, who can be for you, blood stained armor.


Who is the ear of the wind gorgeous meteor, who is the corner of the mouth of the ile disordered time and space.


I really envy you, you lost so many people all the way, and I was lost all the way.


Want to become a sunflower, always ile at the sun.


From everlasting love to not deep love life, how many times to wet eyes, from tender young to white hair, how many years to exhaust waiting.


Only when a person has been to a distant place and met a lot of people can he realize what is calm and calm.


After all, the wind wants to be free, how can I keep it.


Even if there is a break up, don't let up the meeting.


I look forward to seeing you I can't see; I listen to you I can't hear.


I'm not sure about my direction, but I hope I can go further.


You he never belonged to me. Why should I ask you to stay.


You say, I miss you. At that time, my heart flowed like the sky, and the moon was the soft one.


I'll let you go this time. I'll see you later.


Many years later, I'd like to share with you a few pots of old wine and three or two friends. At dusk, I will ile and die of gratitude and hatred.


My happiness is to see you happy, even if the person holding your hand is not me.


I'm an ordinary person. I can't hope to be worthy of your attention in the crowd.


Flowers look for peace, light clouds flow through this life.


In the dark, reserved a piece of sunshine, just because of you, want light.


Floating life slightly cool, white bones in pairs, but a third generation from the war.


Not everyone can put the pain on the face, even if not on the face, the pain is a lot.


I used to be happy with a bottle of coke, but now I grow up, I need to drink five bottles of beer.

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【 #英语资源# 导语】英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。以下是 为大家精心整理的关于英语演讲比赛稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。


Hello, everyone ! My name is I’m from Class 1, I’m very happy to stand here to give you my free-talk. Today my topic is “To Be A Good Failure”.

I believe everyone has experienced a lot . We he done good things and also bad things. When we do the bad things, we should not feel sad. We should learn from failure ,learn from every mistake and learn how to be a good loser. That’s what I'll be talking about today. That's our lesson to learn. Let me tell you why.

First, losing is a part of life. It is unoidable. It is something we all must face. Everybody loses sometimes. Every great person knows this truth. So don't be ashamed of losing. Losing doesn't mean you're a loser.

Second, don’t escape from it, just accept it. Losing is beneficial and can be helpful to you. We just view it as a learning experience. Losing is a chance to learn. You can learn how to try again and improve.

Third, practice makes perfect. Create challenges for yourself. Never be afraid of failure. Lose as much as you can. Losing only makes you better. That is a great secret of success.

In conclusion, remember these. You will be a good loser. It might be painful at first. But it will get easier as you go along. You'll be respected and admired. You'll feel so achievement to learn so much. You are not the real failure ,you will be a winner in future.


Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles w ithin your heart.

Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

Accept the fact that not ev eryone is going to approve of the choices you've made. He faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you t o your destiny's path.

Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yo ur dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them di scourage you.

Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.


We Are The World ,We Are The Future

Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I he to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshneof the deep spring of life.

A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heen in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I he a short line of life.

What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future?

Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.

We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don’t cry because it is over, ile because it happ ened. From the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t he it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in front of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.”


人工构思 Brely to Make a Speech in Englisn

With the development of globalization,it is very necessary and useful for us to learn to make a speech in English. Speech skill is the best choice as it is widely used in all kinds of occasions. Knowing speech can help us communicate with the public effectively and build confidence . It is also a very good way for us to present myself. If you want to study speech well, at first you dare to stand in front of lots of people . To improve your speech skills ,you should read more books, including Chinese books and English books, which can help you gain more vocabularies and more knowledge.

Besides , you should remember by heart to learn English in English , that is to say , never try to translate one English word into so-called Chinese meaning , but just to know its meaning in general , and know exactly the ralationship between one sentence and another sentence . When you he read certain amounts of writing or work or art , you'll find that you nearly he learned how to understand English by the way of English minds .

In this way you may study English well and then study speech well. When you stand in front of the audience , you will feel yourself powerful and always he faith.However, only if you try, only if you work hard and only if you make a speech , will you succeed.

Just do it .



I he heard that you won the champion of the English speech competition. I

know that it is uneasy to win the prize and you must he made a great effort

on it. By the way, if you he time, would you mind going out with me to congratulate?

I am looking forward to hearing about your experience on this competition.


Dear My handsome Charlie,I can not wait anymore, I'm very excited to share the good news with you at frist time. I got the first prize of our school English speach contest. I'm very happy to get the number one. Thank you very much for your kindly teach and care every day. I am really appreciate that. Also I know this just start and there is a long way in front of me. So I will do my best. Enjoy your holiday and please say hello to your wife and your family. Thanks & B. Regards,XX亲爱的XX,我一刻也不能等待了,我要时间把这个好消息分享给您,我获得了咱们学校英语比赛的一等奖,我很高兴获得了名,但是我知道这离不开你的关怀与教诲.我知道这是刚刚开始后面还有很长的路要走,我会尽自己的努力的.尽情享受你的假期生活,同时请给你的妻子和家人问好.谢谢&的祝愿给您你的学生XX

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