
智创体育 2024-09-21 08:32 1


1、He likes playing basketball.或He likes to play basketball.Playing basketball is a sport that lots of people will do in their spare time.Everyone can join in it including the young ,the old ,the women or the men.10 保存习俗( Keeping Customs) When people move to another country, they not only face a different environment and language, but also different customs. Every culture has its own customs, and all of them er valuable. Howr, deciding how to deal with the problem of unfamiliar customs is a challenge for many immigrants. Some choose to follow the customs of their new country, while others prefer to adhere to their own customs. Each of these chos has some aantages as explained below. When people choose to follow the customs of their adopted country, they may find that it s them to adapt more quickly to the new society. They he soming to discuss and share with their new neighbors, and sharing customs is one way for people to feel closer to one another. Thus, following the new customs may immigrants feel more at home. It may also them to see the itive things in their new environment and do forget their feelings of homesickness. On the other hand, those who choose to continue following their own customs may also find that it s them feel more at home. There are many things to adjust to in another country, and following their traditional customs may people feel more secure in the new surroundings. More importantly, our customs are a part of us. They are an expression of the culture that has shaped us. This is soming that most of us would like to pass down to our children and share with others. Sharing our old customs can also bring us closer to our new neighbors. To sum up, our customs he value and are an important part of our culture. Therefore, I don’t beli that we should abandon our traditional customs when we move to another country. At the same time, I beli that we should learn about the customs of our new home and follow those that appeal to us. In this way, we can remember and celebrate our old culture while adapting to our new onePlaying basketball is not only very interesting but also very healthy to our health.We are able to make friends when playing basketball.We can also learn how to get along with others and it will be of great to our study and work in the future.I hope more and more people will jion it.。


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