篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语 篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语怎么写

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:29 1


篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语 篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语怎么写篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语 篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语怎么写

篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语 篮球画多少钱一幅啊英语怎么写

1、I play basketball ry week with friends. 篮球英语例句:篮球:basketball我们爱打篮球。

2、We love playing basketball.他把篮球扔进了我们的屋子。

3、He has pitched his basketball into our house.两国篮球运动员在比赛后聚在一起,切磋球艺。

4、The basketball players of the two countries got toger and compared notes after the match.她也会打篮球,也会打 网球 。

5、She can play tennis as well as basketball.The basketball player bounced the ball along the ground.除了篮球你还喜欢什么运动?Besides basketball, what other sports do you like?但是我也喜欢篮球和 体 。

6、But I also like basketball and gymnastics.I play basketball as well as him.所有的运动中我喜欢篮球。

7、Of all the sports, I like basketball best.我总是在电视上看 足球 比赛。


9、I always watch football on evision,but I also like basketball andgymnastics.“对我来说,篮球已经结束了,”他说。

10、“For me, basketball is over, ” he said.你喜欢足球还是喜欢篮球?A:Do you like football or basketball?我热爱篮球。

11、I love basketball.He always plays basketball with his workmates.每一个球都赞同篮球。

12、Every ball agreed with the basketball.我每周都和朋友打篮球。


14、Maybe that is why I love basketotherball so much.气球、 棒球 、篮球、足球和 排球 都在火山上跳 芭蕾舞 。


16、I prefer football and basketball.她不是一个棒球或篮球运动员。

17、She’s not a baseball or basketball player.我喜欢的篮球和 羽毛球 。


19、I’m 30. As an athlete, I am not the future of China basketball anymore.一直以来,不管是作为球员、教练,还是球迷,我都对篮球充满了热情。

20、I ‘ve always been passionate about basketball& as a player, a coach, and a fan.她也会打篮球,也会打网球。

21、She can play tennis as well as basketball.说明篮球规则的32页的小册子A thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball以前打过大学赛和职业赛的篮球运动员A former college and pro basketball player。


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