英超球星的一天作文英语 英超英文介绍

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:37 1



Pele Everyone will laugh at you if you don't know about Pele(贝利),the most famous football player in Brazil(巴西).Because of his great devotion(贡献)to the cause of football,he is always honored as the“King”by football fans(球迷) worldwide. Pele showed his genius(天赋)for football in his childhood.When he was thir, with perfect skills he joined Santos(桑托斯),a very important football club in Brazil. In 1958,Pele was chosen to play for Brazil in the Sixth World Cup Competition.Although he was six,he was the best player on the fie ld. Thanks to Pele,Brazil won the world championship for the first time. Pele played for Brazil in the World Cup Competitions from 1958 to 1970. In one famous match,the fans were awaiting the exciting moment when Pele would score his thousandth goal when there feree(裁判)ge Santons a penalty(点球) kick .Pele walked up to take it.The oping goalkeeper(对方守门员)had no chance with the hard and accurate(准确的) shot .Pele had scored his thousandth goal!The crowds cheered:“Pele,Pele...”That is a record which is as valuable in sports as a thousand goals. Pele was always faithful to the spirit of the sport as a professional(职业)player.He always played a fair and behed mode stly(谦虚)with a cheerful ile. He is held in high respect,and now he is the Minister of Physical Education in Brazil.

英超球星的一天作文英语 英超英文介绍英超球星的一天作文英语 英超英文介绍

英超球星的一天作文英语 英超英文介绍

NBA球星Stephen Curry的

自己截选吧poliy very in NBA , the model who is a modern centre forward represents: 2.14 meters of height ,


以下是一篇关于 NBA 球星 Stephen Curry (史蒂芬·库里)的英语小短文:

Stephen Curry is a professional basketball player who currently plays for the Golden State Warriors in the NBA。 He was born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio, and grew up near Charlotte, North Carolina。 He played colaanced studies , grow up from to be able to not play a ball and become basketball giant starlege basketball at Didson College, where he was a two-time consensus first-team All-American。史蒂芬·库里是一位职业篮球运动员,目前效力于NBA的金州勇士队。他于1988年3月14日出生于俄亥俄州阿克伦,成长于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特附近。他在戴维森学院打过大学篮球,曾两次当选一致认可的全美球员。

Curry is known for his exceptional shooting ability, especially from beyond the arc。 He won the NBA Three-Point Contest in 2015 and 2016, and he holds multiple NBA records for three-pointers made in a single season。 He has also won two NBA Most Valuable Player awards and three NBA championships with the Warriors。库里以其卓越的投篮能力闻名,尤其是三分球。他于2015年和2016年赢得了NBA三分球大赛冠军,他还保持着多项单赛季三分comition and the rebound contend for are listed in, still show force big and powerful on球命中数的NBA纪录。他还赢得了两个NBA最有价值球员奖和三个金州勇士队的NBA总冠军。

Off the court, Curry is known for his philanthropy and aocacy work。 He launched the Eat。 Learn。 Play。 Foundation with his wife, Ayesha Curry, to underserved children in the Bay Area。 He has also been vocal about social just issues, speaking out against pol brutality and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement。在赛场外,库里以其慈善事业和倡导工作而闻名。他与妻子艾莎·库里一起发起了Eat. Learn. Play.基金会,帮助湾区服务不足的儿童。他还公开发声反对,支持黑人生命也很重要运动。

Curry is one of the most popular and dominant players in the NBA, and he continues to inspire fans both on and off the court with his skill and leadership。库里是NBA中和支配力的球员之一,他以其技巧和力在赛场内外继续激励着球迷们。


Curry身高1.米,司职控球后卫,因其卓越的投篮Youyin in August , 1962 5 says be born , tops 2 meters 14, is chosen as NBA entire star team 11 time , is chosen as NBA the best battle array 5 time, 1992 is chosen as team of dream , is one of best player of technology shoot at the basket in being close to 10 , in NBA centre forward. Come in reply the two Olympiad gold medalist in 1992 in 1984.技巧而成为NBA中最的球员之一。他在大学打球期间受到广泛关注,在2009年NBA选秀中被孟菲斯灰熊队以第七顺位选中,但很快被交易到了金州勇士队,开始了他的NBA生涯。




No one can copy the legendary Allen Iverson

effect New York Ni Ke Si team, New York Ni Ke Si team strength drives right away unceasingly,

How the black slums in the United States, but the difference is that Iverson family worse than anyone else, almost led a life of hell, and sometimes do not he enough to eat no food, live in dilapidated areas, in his living near the clots of blood and the pinhole can be found at any time at night you can hear the gang at the Rush. Iverson, howr, is in such an environment they grew up.

His mother told him to 他是一个偶像,更是一个传奇!play basketball, but Iverson's forite is football, for future survival, Iverson he took to basketball! Iverson is the NBA's shortest in the history of Mandarin! Thus a red star in the entire United States up! Countless young people began to imitate Iverson to play, countless young people to become fans of Allen Iverson! Iverson came in the League before ryone suits and ties to emulate Michael Jordan, but Iverson came to Union, hip-hop clothing has been the majority of players of all ages, a time of countless imitators, so that NBA had to enact "dress to make."

Iverson said that I did not want to be Jordan, I do not want to become a magician, I do not want to become a Bird, I do not want to be anyone of them, when my career is over, I want to see in the ror and say I do arrived, I was that Allen Iverson.

Iverson may be a misconception in many people before, but only a profound sense Iverson's background people will understand Iverson! Only his fans know him! I beli in again after the NBA players of similar experience, they will say: "It ge me the courage to Iverson, he was my childhood idol." - He did a lot of people move forward in the guidelines.

Iverson's height with a lot of people think that he can not! But Iverson proved that people are wrong! He is not an actual height of meter eighty people in the NBA play their own piece of the sky! Played under his legend! This is not a acle?

This is my idol Allen Iverson! Continue to push the person I was growing up!

He is an idol, but also a legend!







entering the competition with coming on the stage尤因1962年8月5曰出生,身高2米14,11次入选NBA全明星队,5次入选NBA阵容,1992年入选梦之队,是近十年中,NBA中锋里面投篮技术的球员之一。1984年和1992年两届奥运会获得者。 among 6 index such as time. 19 has said on




Youyin be born in Jamaica capital Jinsasha, that annual whole family migrates to 11-year-old USA.

Enter the higher school entering USA basketball famous school Georgetown university pursuing

here after completing high school on USA. Patrick? Youyin is the ball star one offering a job

110,000 grams of weight , all-round technology , outstanding springing ability, still he

essential centre forward institute being bre and powerful and calm. From "Africa gorilla " Youyin

Saiji's victory 38 shoulders 44 from 1987-1988 powder of living in east final 8 only, Saiji beats

52 to 1988-1989 from rising arriving at , shoulder 30 but jump over and type in east former final

four at the head of east Atlantic Ocean group. Only, Nikesi team is defeated by Chicago Bulls that

"flying trapeze" Qiao Dan leads with 3:4 but fails to enter NBA title war of scramble on hing

arrived at 19-1992 year mega,but that it already becomes one NBA title is forceful contend

for the person team. The Youyin's individual technology says also with team tend towards maturity,

the penalty zone rushing contend for say appear to be more cool-headed calmly, the offensive and

defensive technology says appear to be more all-round. He scores disregarding in the offensive ,

defending steals , close covering , filling up a place. Saiji's MVP has chosen through public

appraisal a name in 1988-1989 enumerate fourth , is behind "Magic Johnson" ", "flying trapeze" Qiao

Dan 无人可艾弗森的传奇 and "tman" Carl only? Ma Long county. Youyinzeng is chosen as east star team 11 time, and

is he outstanding behiour, be chosen as NBA 5 time second battle arrays, are chosen as NBA the

best battle array in 1990. Youyin shoots at the basket not only the technology is good, and the

defensive person who still is that one swears not to give up draws in many ways rebound past

. In he a long history New York Ni Ke Si team notes copy, Youyin the number of showings of

a film comes out on top without exception in scoring , grabbing the rebound , shot-blocking ,

November , 1996 to one battle middle of Orlando magic team , Youyin's total points has exceeded

20000-tenths of Da Guan county , his rebound has also approached 10000 Da Guan county at present.

In general NBA final in 1994, he 7 competition has built Houston toger rocket 30 second big

group of caps, this is also maximal NBA notes.

But Youyin is made a living wandering from place to place in 13 in NBA , not getting one title ring but so far, he still deserves to be called one of the most excellent centre forward of NBA.

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