
智创体育 2024-09-21 08:30 1








n.(名词)[C][U]决定,决心,判断 a cho or judgment; an act of deciding[U]果断,坚决 the quality of being able to make chos or judgments quickly and to act on them with firmness; resolution[C]决议,结果 resolution三、词典解释


When you make adecision, you choose what should be done or which is the best of various sible actions.


e.g. Adecision was taken to discipline Marshall...


e.g. The president said he'd made no firmdecision on wher he would run for a second term in off...



Decision is the act of deciding soming or the need to decide soming.

e.g. The moment ofdecision cannot be delayed...


e.g. This was a matter fordecision by the individual.



Decision is the ability to decide quickly and definiy what to do.

e.g. He is very much a man ofdecision and action.



I don't think his decision is wise in reality.


We can' t reach a decision without our chairman.


All is dependent on your decision.


The judge will give his decision tomorrow.



用作名词(n.)The decision must be referred back, as there is now fresh rmation to be considered.

这项决定必须再次提交审议,因为现在有新的情况要考虑。The decision is still hanging.

尚未决定。The decision by the head was called into question by some of the teachers who thought it unnecessarily harsh.

有些教师对的决定存有异议,他们认为没有必要那么严厉。They grumbled to me that the decision was not fair.

他们向我抱怨说那裁决不公平。The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against.

的这一判决不容质疑。The decision must lie over until the next executive meeting.

这项决议必须留到下次执委会会议讨论。The decision overturned a century-old judicial rule.

这项决议推翻了历时已有一个世纪的司法裁决。Tension mounted as we waited for the decision.

我们等待作出决定时,气氛越来越紧张。The fact that the off already has a good accountant simply didn't enter into the decision.

这个办公室已经有了一名很好的会计,但这一决定中根本没有考虑这一事实。Despite his pleasant manner,I suspected he was fishing for rmation about the decisions made at the board meeting.

尽管他的态度讨人喜欢,可我怀疑他是在打听关于董事会决定的消息。He refused to associate himself with the decision.

他拒绝与这一决定发生干系。She argued him out of the decision.

她说服他改变决定。They let the final decision hang over until next week.

他们待下周再作出后决定。I intend to contest the judge's decision in another court.

我打算在另一个法庭上反驳法官的裁决。The referee's decision was contested by the loser.

负方对裁判的裁决有异议。We started kicking the idea around right back in January, but a decision hasn't been made yet.

我们从1月份就开始讨论这个主意了,可到现在还没有做决定。I hold that this is a right decision.

我相信这是个正确的决定。A decision sometimes determines the future.

一个决定有时决定着未来。I won't be hurried into a decision, you'll just he to wait!

我不会匆忙做决定的,你等等吧!Once a decision is made, we must carry it out.

一旦做了决议,我们就要执行。Give me your decision now, stop playing for time!

现在就告诉我你们的决定,不要再拖延时间了。I'll get straight back to head off and rm them of your decision.

我马上就回总公司把你们的决定告诉他们。His parents were astonished at his decision.

他的父母对他的决定感到很吃惊。His decision will cut across our basic plan.

他的决定将打乱我们的基本。Sral unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.

几项不得人心的决议使州长的声望下降。I he been kept at arm's length from all the committee's decisions.

委员会作出的任何决定都未让我参与。They he rendered a decision on that matter.

对那件事他们已经作出决定。Let's dis the decision about that matter.

咱们来讨论一下关于这件事的决定是否正确。The decision they made is that nothing should hold them back.

他们下了决心,没有什么能阻止他们。~+to- vMy decision to go there hangs on your answer.

我要看你的回答才能做决定去不去那儿。She nr ceased regretting her decision to go back.

她一直为作出回去的决定感到后悔。I appreciate the fact that this is not an easy decision to make.

我意识到这不是一个容易作出的决定。~+that-clauseThese were vital decisions that bore on the happiness of rybody.


用作名词 (n.)动词+~act with decision断然行动announce a decision宣布判决arrive at a decision决定下来bring sth to a decision决定某事,使某事得以解决come to a decision决定下来delay a decision延迟决定give a decision作出决定hand down a decision作出判决lack decision缺乏果断make a decision做决定need a decision需要作出决定,需要下决心pass a decision通过一项决议reach a decision达成协议形容词+~absurd decision荒谬的决定clear-cut decision明确的决定considered decision深思熟虑的决定correct decision正确的决定fair decision公正的决定final decision后决定firm decision不可动摇的决定just decision公正的决定poor decision不妥的决定quick decision迅速的解决sure decision果断的决定wise decision聪明的决定,明智的决定wrong decision错误的决定介词+~of decision(性格或行动)果断的man of decision果断的人woman of decision果断的女人~+介词decision about关于…的决定decision on关于…的决定decision on case对案子的判决decision on important national matters大事上的决定七、词语用法

n.(名词)decision的基本意思是“决定”“抉择”“判决”,引申可表示“决议”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。decision经常与动词 make, reach, arrive at, give, come to等词连用(但不可用do),均表示“作出决定”。decision的另一个意思是“果断”“坚决”,只用作不可数名词。decision后面可接动词不定式做同位语,而不接 of v -ing。decision是表示建议的名词,其后的表语从句或同位语从句须用虚拟语气。decision后面可接带to的不定式。My decision to apply for further details.

reach/arrive a decision都可以解释为“做出决定”。decision的相关近义词



decisive、decipher、decisioni、decision on、decisionbox、decision box、decision lag、decision set、decision aid、decision map、decision node、decision list








nervous的读音是:英['n__v_s]。nervous的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)神经质的,紧张不安的,神经过敏的神经的,神经系统的有力的,刚健的焦虑的,担忧的,惶恐的;易紧张焦虑的神经兴奋的;易激动的肌肉发达的;结实的胆怯的,胆小的对神经起作用的易怒的。nervous的例句是用作形容词(adj.)The doctors shall operate on his central nervous .医生们将要对他的中枢神经系统动手术。




If someone isnervous, they are frightened or worried about soming that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behiour.

e.g. The party has become deeplynervous about its prospects of winning the next election...


e.g. She described Mr Hutchinson asnervous and jumpy after his wife's disappearance.



Brunhilde stood up nervously as the men came into the room...


Nervously clutching our glasses of chilled wine, we gathered on the terrace.


I iled warmly so he wouldn't see my nervousness.


Anervous person is very tense and easily upset.


e.g. She was apparently a verynervous woman, and that affected her career.



Anervous illness or condition is one that affects your emotions and your mental state.

e.g. The number ofnervous disorders was rising in the region...


e.g. He dlopednervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.



1. 紧张的:等级5以上体力增加3 硬的(Hard)铁制装饰品 等级5以上str+1,等级18以下生命力+8,等级25以上dex+3 鬣狗的(Hyenas) 等级15以上体力减少2,等级5以上生命力增加2 紧张的(Nervous)衣服、铠甲 暴击E以上str-2,


2. 不安:作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),惊讶意外(surprised),紧张不安(nervous)而应该是羞愧难当(ashamed). 父亲在生自己(myself)的气,在自责. 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了错,

3. 紧张不安:作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),惊讶意外(surprised),紧张不安(nervous)而应该是羞愧难当(ashamed). 父亲在生自己(myself)的气,在自责. 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了错,


The doctors shall operate on his central nervous .


He is suffering from nervous tension.


They can also come calm and control nervous horses and got cheap guard sheep and gots goats on farms.


The merest little thing makes him nervous.


I he nr seen anyone so nervous. He was sweating like a pig as he waited for the results of the interview.



用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词nervous disorder精神失常nervous energy精力充沛nervous man神经紧张或神经过敏的人nervous ile神经质的一笑nervous of the human body人体的神经系统动词+~feel nervous感到紧张get nervous变得焦躁不安make nervous使人烦躁不安~+介词nervous about对?紧张不安nervous about the result对结果紧张不安nervous at an examination在考试时神经紧张nervous of因?而紧张的六、情景对话



A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.


B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!


A:I've nr seen two people who are sonervous when toger.



B:This is going to be a major disaster.



A:You're right. They won't say a word to each other...



B:...the whole ning.


A:They won't get toger, r.



adj.(形容词)be nervous about v-ing, be nervous of v-ing这两种结构的意思不同:前者表示“对做某事心中忐忑不安”; 后者表示“害怕做某事”。nervous, upset这两个词的共同意思是“烦乱,不安”。其区别是:nervous表示内在的惴惴不安,精神上的紧张状态,而表露在外的可能是“镇静的”; upset是指情绪上或感情上的突变,强调完全失去了心理平衡,有“心烦意乱的”含义,这种紧张状态也许表露在外,也许表露在内。例如:Some are nervous in the dark.有些人在黑暗里会感到不安。She was deeply upset.她感到烦躁不安。下面两个句子的意思不同:She is nervous.她老是精神紧张。She is being nervous.她此刻神经紧张。nervous,restless,impatient,uneasy这些形容词均含“焦躁的、紧张的”之意。nervous普通用词,常指内心的紧张心态或生来就容易激动的性格。restless多指经常的、毫无目的行动或活动,也常指思想上的焦躁不安。impatient指在心情或情绪上不能克制某种或不适,或缺乏某种容忍与谅解而表现出焦急不安。uneasy通常指因焦虑、疑惑或危险而产生的不安。nervous的相关近义词





nervy、nerve、nervously、nervous of、nervousness、nervous gray、nervous type、Nervous cell、nervous apnea、Nervous Nelly、nervous shock、nervous urine




★ 附:常见的字母与字母组合发音规则

(I) 元音字母及元音字母组合拼读规则

● 元音字母的发音

(一) 元音字母a

1. 重读开音节 [ei] ; late ; make ; lake ; face

2. 重读闭音节 [?] bag ; fat ; cat ; ladder ; mass

(例外:any一些[e] ;many许多[e])

3. 非重读音节 [?]或[i]

即:[?]—— ago ; along ; among ; above ; aloud

[i]—— comrade ; village ; mar ; palace ; private ;necklace


后一个音节段。如上的ladder,village .

4.在字母w或wh后面 ,发[?] was ; wash ; what ; want ;



即:dance ;France ; chance

ask ;mask ;task ;basket

class ;grass ;glass ;pass ;——(例外:mass[?])

fast ;cast ;past ;last ; ;

father ;path ;bath ;——(例外:maths[?])


1.重读开音节 [i:] me ;he ;she ;these ;ning

2.重读闭音节 [e] hen ;get ; set ;l ; echo

3.非重读音节 [i] useless ;ticket ;basket ;pocket ;before ;below ;


1.重读开音节 [ai] China ; try ; my ; hi ; time ; guide ;

2.重读闭音节 [i] sit ; hit ; ill ; little ; ;

3.非重读音节 [i] unit ;study


1.重读开音节 [?u] no ; so ; go ; home ; photo ;

2.重读闭音节 [?] not ; hot ; box ; fox ; cock ; cost ;

3.非重读音节 [?] pure ; concern


son ; month ; come ; ton ; (例外:Tom[?])

love ; dove ; glove ; above ; another

mother ; brother ; become ; some

5.两个单词:woman[‘wu-m?n]女人(单数) ; women[‘wi-min]女人(复数)


1.重读开音节 [ju:] pupil ; student ; use ; cube

2.重读闭音节 [?]或[u]

即:[?]——cut ; luck ; umbrella ; us

[u]——put ; full ; pull

4. 非重读音节 [?] autumn ;August ; support



1.ai或ay在重读音节中 [ei] rain ; train ; brain ; pain

day ; may ; play ; stay ; lay

ay在非重读音里[i]或[ei] Sunday ; Monday ; Tuesday ; Thursday ; Friday

2.al+绝大多数辅音字母 [?:] all ; wall ; call ; talk ; walk ;chalk

或[?: l] also ; always


al+f或m时,al发[a:] half ; calm

-al在词尾非重读[(?)l] medal ; metal ; (例外c运河,重音在后[?l])

3.-ance在重读时[a: ns] chance ; dance ; France

在非重读时[?ns] importance ;performance ;ambulance

4.-ant非重读[?nt] assistant ; important ;peasant

5.-ange一般[eind?] change ; er ; strange ;(但orange [ind?])

6.-age 一般[id?] village ; carriage ; marriage

7.-ask一般重读时[a: sk] ask ; mask ; task ;basket

8.-ass一般重读时[a: s] class ; glass ; grass ; pass ; (但mass[?])

9.-ast一般重读时[a: st] last ; past ; fast ; cast

-aste一般[eist] waste ; paste ; taste

10.-ath一般[a: θ] bath ; path ; (但maths[?θ])

或[a: e] father ; rather ; (但gather[?e])

11.-au一般[?:] cause ; autumn ;August ; (但because[?])

-augh(t) [?: (t)] caught ; taught ; daughter

(例外:laugh[l a: f])

12.-aw [?:] draw ; saw ; law ; awful


was ; wash ; want ; what ; (但water[?:])

14.-ar 重读音时[a:] party ; car ; farm ; army ; yard ; hard ; star

在字母w或音[w]后面时 [?:] war ; warm ; warn ;towards ; quarter

在非重读音时[-?] beggar ; dollar ; solar

15.-are一般[-ε?] hare ; bare ; dare ; stare ; rare ; care ; parent

16.-air一般[-ε?] chair ; fair ; hair ; pair ; stair ; repair

17.-able 一般[eibl] able ; cable ; table ; stable



-ea[i:] team ; meat ; lead ; teach ; read ; mean ; please ; steal

-ea[e] threat ; bread ; meant ; read(过去式和过去分词) ; peasant

-ea[i?] real ; really

-ea[ei] great ; break

2.-ee[i:] feel ; week ; keep ; three ; steel ; street ; sweep ; see


3.-eer[i?] deer ; pioneer ; engineer ; volunteer

4.-er重读音节[?:] her ; term ; serv ; Germany

非重读[?] worker ; ; western ; teacher

特殊读法[a:] clerk

5.-ere [i?] here ; mere

-ere 或者发[ε?] there ; where

6.-ear 有三种音,分别是:

-ear [i?] ear ; dear ; near ; clear ; tear (n.) ; beard

-ear [?:] early ; earth ; learn ; heard

-ear [a:] heart


7.-ei [ei] eight ; weigh ; weight

-ei [ai] height

-ei [i:] receive

8.-ey重读[ei] they ; hey ; survey

-ey重读[i:] key

-ey非重读[i] monkey ; donkey ; valley ; volleyball

-et非重读[it] pocket ; ticket ; rocket

9.-ew 一般[ju:] new ; few ; knew

-ew 或者发[u:] grew ; threw

-ew还可以发[?u] sew

10.-ege [id?] college

11.-est [i s t] biggest ; modest ; happiest;

12.词尾的-ed在浊音后[d] lived ; studied

-ed在清音后[t] worked ; finished

-ed在字母t或d后[id] wanted ; needed


1.-ie在重读音节中,或在辅音字母前,发[i:] field ; piece ; achi

-ie在词尾[ai] lie ; die ; tie

2.-igh(t)在重读音节[ai(t)] high ; night ; light ; bright

3.-ir在重读音节[?:] girl ; firm ; circle ; first ; third

4.-ire在重读音节[‘ai?] fire ; tired ; hire ; retired ; wire

5.-ild [aild] child ; wild

6.-ind [aind] find ; kind ; mind ; wind ; (但window[ind])

7.-ing [i?] king ; wing ; sing ; doing ;

8.-(a)tion [(ei) ?n] nation ; pronunciation ; rmation ;comition

-stion [t?n] question

-sion [?n]或[?n] mission使命 ; precision精密

9.-ye在词尾[ai] good-bye ; bye-bye

10.-ist[i s t] list ; fist ;


1.-oa在重音时[?u] boat ; coat ; road ; goat ; toad

-oar在重音时[?:] blackboard ; aboard

2.-oi,-oy在重音时[?i] boiler ; point ; join ; oil

boy ; toy ; joy ; loyal

3.-oo一般[u:] soon ; too ; zoo ; room ; noon ; food ; mood ; boot ; moon


在字母k或有时在t,d之前时[u] cook ; look ; book ; took ; foot ; good ;

4.-or在重音时[?:] for ; horse ; important ; morning ; born

-or在字母w后面[?:] work ; word ; world ; worse ; worth

(但是wore ,worn例外,均发[?:])

-or在非重音时[?] monitor ; doctor ; professor ; forget ;

forwards ; forgive ; conductor

5.-oar一般[?:] board ; aboard; blackboard

6.-oor一般[?:]或在美式英语里发[? ?] door ; floor

-oor 还发[u?] poor

7.-ore在重音时[?:] snore ; more ; before ; foreign; forest

8.-ou一般[au] shout ; loud ; round ; found

-ou还发[?] country ; countryside ;trouble ;couple ; rough

-ou 还发[u:] wound ; wounded

9.-ough(t)发[?:( t)] ought ; brought ; bought ; fought ; thought

(例外:cough[k ? f] ; rough[r?f])

10.-oe[?u] toe ; hoe ; Joe

11.-old[?u l d] old ; hold ; cold ; told

12.-ost[?u s t] t ; most ; host ; ghost (例外cost[? s t])

13.-our在重音时[au] sour ; our ; hour ;

还发[?:] four ; course ; pour

还发[u?] tour ; gourd

-our 在词尾(非重音)[ ?] colour ; neighbour ; fourite

14.-ow在重音时[au] now ; cow ; down ; how ; town

-ow在重音或非重音中[?u] low ; yellow ; below ; follow ; grow

tomorrow ; window ; widow ; know ; show



如:full ; bull ; pull ; push ; bush

字母l,r或j+u构成的开音节,u发[u:] rule ; true ; blue ; June

2.-ue在词尾[ju:] argue ; continue

3.-ui在字母j或r后面时,发[u:] fruit ; ju


如: build ; guilty ; biscuit


4.-ur在重音时[?:] turn ; return ; Thursday ; nurse ; purse

在非重音时[?] surprise ; Saturday

-ure在重音时[(j) u?] pure[ju?] ; manure[ju?] ; sure[u?]

- ture发[t??] picture ; future ; mixture

(II) ●辅音字母及辅音字母组合的拼读规则


1.b在一般情况下[b] back ; big ; lab ; brother

b和u在一起,u常发[i] building; build ; busy

-bt一般[t] debt ; doubt

2.c在字母e,i或y前面时[s] city ; Bruce ; ju ; bicycle ;face ; central

c在字母a,o或u,或者在辅音字母前[k] cup ; cold ; cattle ; duck ;

bicycle ; cap ; cut ; class ;

c在词尾时也发[k],但后面有e,那还发[s] gymnastic[k] ; music[k]

grace[s] ; Bruce[s]

-cc在元音字母a,o,u和辅音字母之前[k] occasion ; according ; occupy ; acclaim

在元音字母e和i之前[ks] accent ; success

-ci有时发[?] social

-ch 有三种音[t?][ k]或[?] 如下:

[t?] China ; rich ; chick ; chalk

[k] school ; chemist ; chemistry ; chemical ; ache ; technology

[?] machine ; parachute ; moustache

-tch[t?] catch ; match ; fetch ; hatch ; butcher

-ck[k] duck ; luck ; ticket ; pocket ; black ; cock

3.d在一般情况下[d] did ; made ; desk ; duck ; doubt ; damage

-ds发[dz] birds ; hands

dr在元音字母前[dr] dry ; dress ; driver ; drill

-dge一般[d?] bridge ; fridge ; judge ; edge

4.f在一般情况下[f] five ; flag ; life ; leaf

5.g在字母e,i或y前面[d?] large ; general ; gymnastics ; age ; energy

例外:give ; forgive ; get ; forget等,g都发[g]

在字母a,o或u,或者在辅音字母前[g] goat ; ; guard ; ghost ; glass

在词尾也发[g] big ; egg ; fig ; flag

-gn[n],即g不发音 foreign ; sign ; gnaw

-gh发[f]或[-](既不发音) [-] high ; thought ; light ; brought

[f] laugh ; cough

-dge发[d?] bridge ; knowledge ; judge

gue-,gua-和gui-在词首时一般u都不发音 guess ; guest ; guard ; guide

而-gue在词尾发[g] league ; colleague

6.h在一般情况下[h] ; behe ; hello ; hit ; hurry

h在字母r或x后面不发音 rhino ; exhibition

7.j在一般情况下[d?] joy ; judge ; injure ; journey ; January ; jar ; just

8.k在一般情况下[k] king ; milk ; kick ; kiss ; lock ; knock

k后面是n时,k不发音,即kn发[n] knock ; knee ; know ; knowledge ; knife

9.l在元音字母前发[l](即“勒”音,供参考) light ;look ; let ; lab ; live

l在辅音字母或词尾时发[l](即“尔”音,供参考) cold ;sell ; chalk

10.m在一般情况下[m] meet ; meat ; mother ; come ; make ; Tom

m后面是b时,b不发音,即-mb发[m] comb ; tomb ; climb ; bomber

11.n在一般情况下[n] in ; now ; next ; ton ; nest

n在m后面时,n常不发音,即-mn发[m] autumn ; column

但后面有后缀或构成合成词,则n还要发音的 autumnal ; columnist

-ng常发[?]或[?g] 发[?] sing ; king ; English ;young

发 [?g] finger ;younger ; language

-nk常发[?k] bank ; sink ; sank ; sunk ; ink ; thank

12.p在一般情况下[p] map ; cap ; people ; pest

-ph[f] photo ; phantom ; philosophy ; physics ; phrase

13.que在一般情况下[k] unique ; cheque

qu一般发[k w] quarter ; quick ; quilt ; quiet ; quite ; queen

14.r在元音字母前才发音[r](即音同“略”供参考) room ;read ; rest ; around

r在辅音字母或词尾前,一般不发音 car ; star ; jar

rh在元音字母前只发[r] rhyme ; rhino ; rhetoric


如:see ; some ; set ; sister ; works ; lips ; news ; yes ; this

注:一条发音习惯,人在发[s]音后面的清辅音(主要是爆破音[p][t][k]和破擦音[tr])时,习惯上把该清辅音发成相对应的浊辅音 (而书写音标的时候,还是写成清辅音),试举例如下:

如:school---音标[s k u: l],而习惯念成[s g u: l]

street---音标[s tr i: t],而习惯念成[s dr i: t]

stubborn---音标[‘s t ? b n],而习惯念成[‘s d ? b n]

student---音标[‘s t j u: d ? n t],而习惯念成[‘s d j u: d ? n t]

space---音标[s p ei s],而习惯念成[s b ei s]

steal---音标[s t i: l],而习惯念成[s d i: l]



如:these ; nose ; lose ; rise ; wisdom ; observe


如:pigs ; plays ; flags ; eggs ; toys ; boys

词尾的s在长元音之后,发[z] hers ; yours

s还可以发[?] sure ; Russia

-sh一般发[?] sheep ; ship ; wish ; show ; shift ; fish

-sch一般情况下[s k] school ; scheme()

-sion一般情况下[? n] tension ; succession

在元音字母后[? n] decision ; conclusion

-sure在元音字母后[? ?] measure ; pleasure

16..t在一般情况下[t] tooth ; cat ; teach ; tool ; hit

cut ; let ; ten ; table ; taste ;

-th一般发[θ]或[e],即发[θ] thin ; tooth ; youth ; think ; thigh

发[e] that ; with ; this ; these ; those

-tr[tr] try ; trust ; trip ; trouble ; tree ; street

-tion[? n]rmation ; organization ; pronunciation ; production

(一个例外:question[t? n])

-ture[t? ?] picture ; mixture ; future

17.v在一般情况下[v] very ; live ; vehicle ; vase ; valley ; village

18.w在元音字母之前[w] wear ; window ; widow ; week ; weak ; wisdom

wr[r] write ; wrong ; wrist ; written

wh[h] who ; whom ; whose ; whole

wh[w] what ; which ; when ; where ; why

aw[?:] draw ; saw ; law ; lawyer ; awful

ew[j u:] few ; threw ; grew ; knew ; new

ow[?u] own ; owner ; low ; slow ; know ; below

ow[au] now ; cow ; crown

19.x在一般情况下[ks] box ; fox ; next ; textile

位于元音字母之前且重音落在后一个音节上时,发[gz] exam ; exist ; anxiety

20.y在元音字母之前[j] you ; youth ; yes ; young

21.z在一般情况下[z] zoo ; quiz ; zebra ; zero ; zipper

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