无锡翻译公司 无锡翻译公司报价

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:35 1


无锡翻译公司 无锡翻译公司报价无锡翻译公司 无锡翻译公司报价

无锡翻译公司 无锡翻译公司报价

1、Export Company A with a customer in Singapore, there he been some differences in terms of pr, has been at loggerheads over. A and this customer to do business is conducted by air transport, A that the "CIF" is only used for "maritime and road transport" rather than for "by air", so persist in using the "CIP" provisions (and the banks also insisted that in accordance with air must be used with international pract "CIP"). Customers can insist "CIF", they think "CIP" over "CIF" more than a cost. A would like to ask in the end "CIP" and "CIF" What is the difference in cost? A pract is not correct?如果你韩语很流利的话,可以去投韩国企业,很容易被录取的,当然不一定要当翻译。




5、祝你很快找到工作!!无锡日韩企业CIP, Carriage and Insurance Paid to (... named place of destination), freight, insurance paid to (named place of destination), relative to the CIF terms, CIP is used for a variety of modes of transport, including the expansion-type transport, insurance and also the corresponding variety of transportation can be erous. In the CIP conditions, stipulated in the contract the seller delivers the goods to the carrier during shipment, or the first carrier, delivery of the task is completed, the risk also transferred to the buyer. In addition to the buyer freight, insurance premiums, other than the goods from the delivery to the specified destination until the fees.集中在无锡新区.。


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