年轻人为什么要打篮球英语 为什么选择打篮球

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:21 1


年轻人为什么要打篮球英语 为什么选择打篮球年轻人为什么要打篮球英语 为什么选择打篮球




4、我精心收集了有关打篮球的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关打篮球的英语对话1Wendi: OK, so I wanna ask you who you think is the best player of all time.Ken: All time?Wendi: Basketball player.Ken: Basketball player of all time? Well, that's a no-brainer. It's Michael Jordan. No one even comes close to what he's been doing, or what he did. He's one, what six, five, no five MVPs, six championships, scoring titles every year in the league. He makes his teammates better. By farthe best player to ever play the game.Wendi: I wanna know who is the, kind of, strongest player right now that you could see filling Michael Jordan's shoes.Ken: If you've been watching the NBA recently, you've probably heard the name LeBron James. He's probably like 21 right now, but he's already dominating the league. He takes a team and he's carried them to the playoffs, like it's just him, no one else on the team's good. He's done very well for himself.Ken: Steve Nash is amazing. He's everything a basketball player shouldn't be.Wendi: Really.Ken: He's short, white, Canadian, floppy hair, but he's a really, really good basketball player. He's making his teammates better. Everybody wants to play with him because he's so good and, you know, he's doing real well in the playoffs right now. Maybe they might win the championship so... I mean, to MVP in a row, go Canada.有关打篮球的英语对话2Hey, Terry, he all the players got here?嗨,泰瑞,大家都到齐了吗?Yeah, most of them he arrived. Don't worry. There are still 20 minutes left before the match.嗯,大部分人都到了。


6、Of course. It's a newly-built one.当然了,这可是新建成的。

7、We are lucky to play in a new stadium.可以在新体育场里打球,我们真是太幸运了。

8、Hurry up, Benjamin! Pass the ball to me. I'm good at shooting.加油,本杰明。

9、例句:Nina had been playing the piano.把球传给我,我擅长射篮。

10、Look out. Catch the ball. You should dunk besides the three-point line.当心,接住球,你应该在3分线旁边投篮。

11、Oh, God! I didn't touch anybody. How can I commit a foul?天哪!我没有碰任何人,我怎么可能犯规呢?Just calm down. It's just a turnover. Make up your mind and we can shoot well.冷静下来,这只是一个失误。


13、Yes, I got it. Come on, Benjamin, don't let him get into the paint.嗯,我知道了。



16、Really? You must be…真的吗?你肯定……But that game he dunked over me for 13 times.但是他在我头上射了13次。

17、That's interesting. Let's hurry up, we should beat them in the first half.真有趣。


19、Oh, look, what's happened to Jack? He sat down.哎呀,看,杰克怎么了?他坐下了。



22、有关打篮球的英语对话3Wow, this is drop-dead gorgeous.哇噻,(比赛)真是太精彩了!Gucci:So no more regret now?那么现在不再后悔了吧?Don't remind me of that. This would be the last time I cut any classes for a basketball game.别提醒我这个。


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