世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文 世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:23 1


The sixth World Cup 埃利斯公园体育场(Elli跟的 台北队和丹麦的法罗群岛队都是一样的!s Park Stadium)in 1998


世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文 世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文 世界杯有两个赛场嘛英文


因为参加的队太多, 比赛场次太多,如果放在一个场地比赛,那么持续的时间会很长,实际作起来,没有可行性,所以必须放在数个不同的场馆踢。


Since 1930, the 16 tournaments he seen only sn different winners. Howr, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that he ed create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....

城市名称 球场名称

埃利斯公园球场(Ellis Park Stadium) 所在城市:约翰内斯堡

约翰内斯堡 埃利斯公园球场(Ellis Park Stadium)


约翰内斯堡 足球城体育场(Soccer City)

布隆方丹市 自由州球场(Free State Stadium)

伊丽莎白港 纳尔逊·海湾球场(Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium)

比勒陀利亚 洛夫托斯球场(Loftus Versfeld Stadium)

开 普 敦 绿点球场(Greenpoint Stadium)


比赛地:伊丽莎白港、勒斯腾堡、布隆方丹、约翰内斯堡、德 班、比勒陀利亚、比勒陀利亚、开普敦



半 决 赛:

比赛地:开普敦、德 班



决 赛:



城市 场馆

约翰内斯堡 足球城市球场 埃利斯公园球场

布隆方丹 自由州球场

开普敦 绿点球场

波罗瓜尼市 彼得.莫卡巴球场

勒斯滕堡 皇家班佛肯球场

德班 摩西.马比哈达球场

茨瓦尼 洛夫托斯球场

内尔斯普雷特 姆博贝拉球场


巴西 瑞士 哥斯达黎加 塞尔维亚


The cup height 35 cm, weight 3.8 kg, for silver plated cast, standing on the marble base. The cup for mobile prizes, who won the champion, can se the gold cup 4 years, to the next cup return before FIFA to issue to the new world champion. In addition there is an additional requirement is: who won the three world champion, who will always get this cup.






射手:斯特维莱(阿The eighth World Cup, the host country: Germany根廷)8个入球





2002年6月3日,在2002年世界杯小组赛C组的比赛中,世界冠军巴西队对阵东欧劲旅土耳其队的比赛在韩国光州举行。最终巴西队以2:1艰难地战胜FIFA World Cup了土耳其队。

时间2002年6月26日,世界杯半决赛第2场在崎玉2002体育场鸣哨。巴西1比0击败土耳其,第7次杀进决赛。罗纳尔多打入制胜一球,现以6球排行射手榜首,成为金靴奖的最有力争夺者。6月30日,巴西与德国将在横滨争夺第17届世界杯冠军,这也 是两支历史最显赫的队在世界杯上首次遭遇。



内尔斯普雷特市 姆博贝拉球场(Mbombela Stadium)

At the peak in 1990 fourth session of World Cup --



The host country: Italy

Hold time: June 8, 1990 7 month 8 days


Winner: the Federal Republic of Germany


The total audience: 52 s for a total of 2517348 people


Participating countries: 112 countries and regions to participate in the qualifiers, the 24 of them entered the final stage of the competition, is: Argentina, Austria, Belgium,Brazil, Cameroon, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, England,Germany, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Holland, Romania,Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Arabia, United , the former Soviet Union, America, Yugoslia,Costa Rica


In 1994 fifth session of World Cup


The host country: USA


Hold time: June 17, 1994 -- July 17th

Top scorer: Salenko (Russia) 6 goals


Stoichkov (Bulgaria) 6 goals


The total audience: 52 s for a total of 3587538 people


Participants: a total of 144 countries and regions attended the qualifier, in which 24 teams entered the finals, they are:Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Cameroon,Bulgaria, Greece, Columbia, Germany, South Korea, Italy,Mexico, Holland, Norway, Romania, Nigeria, Russia, Spain,USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Northern Ireland, Morocco,Saudi Arabia


The host country: France


The six session of the world cup is by far the largest in the world cup, the 32 teams in the finals is divided into 8 groups for the. This session of World Cup finals a total of 64 s in France, over ten new . the finals were held in the north of Paris in the France, the stadium majestic, can accommodate more than 80000 fans.


Winner: France


Top scorer: (Croatia) 6 goals.



The snth session of the world cup was held from May 31, 2002 to June 30th in Japan and South Korea, for a period of 1 months a total of 64 s. The opening ceremony held in Seoul, the final was held in Japan Yokohama stadium, the remaining nts by the two countries share. This is the first World Cup hosted by the Asian countries, is also the first time in the history of the two countries jointly hosted by.


Chinese football after 44 years of struggle and first went into the world cup. The minimum target before the battle, namely"win a , scored a goal a field"


A total of 32 national teams took part in the world cup



Participating countries: Germany, England Paraguay Argentina Holland Mexico and Montenegro brother Sweden Ivory Coast, Iran, Italy Brazil Portugal Croatia Japan France USA Togo Spain Switzerland Ukraine Tunisia in Saudi Arabia




Top goalscorer Schillaci: (Italy) 6 goals


埃利斯公园球场(Ellis Park Stadium) 所在城市:约翰内斯堡

英国是现代足球运动的鼻祖,英国分英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱四大区域,早在足联建立之前,英国这四个地区都有各自的足总而互不干涉,同时,由于地域上的原因和认同感,将四个足总合并也很不现实,当时开展足球运动的很少, 而英国则是因为其为现代足球的发源地,故在足联中拥有了四个席位,同时还拥有其他特权。“自从第二次世界大战以来,考虑到英国是现代足球的发源地,足联特批他们拥有一个的名额,该自然也是24名执委会成员之一。至于谁来担任,则由其内部四家足协协商。”

此外,足球裁判界的权威机构——足球联合理事会(International Football Association Board)是由英国的四个足球机构:英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰与足联组成。每个成员单位都可被授权代表其他四个代表,着手编写新的规章或对规则的修改工作。而要接受任何一个对规则的改变,必须要有联合理事会3/4投票权的通过。这其中,英国的4个成员单位各一票,而代表所有其他会员单位的足联也只有4票。


英国的这一特权在国伊丽莎白港 纳尔逊.海湾球场际奥委会上是没有的,因此英国已经多年没有派足球队参加奥运会.上一次参加奥运会足球赛是在1968年,但那一次他们未能打入在墨西哥城举行的决赛圈比赛.


















英国的中文称呼是习惯, 但并不正确, 我们所泛称的英国其实是不列颠(BRITAIN), 或者联合王国(UNITED KINGDOM). 这是一个由四个行政区域组成的, 能各自派足球队界杯的, 总人口5800万左右, 英格兰:不到5000万, 苏格兰: 800万左右, 威尔士: 300万左右, 现在的北爱尔兰(过去爱尔兰): 不到300万,(没去过也不太了解情况), 没有和平统一, 万心归一的神话, 只有征服与反抗, 讨价还价的历史. ENGLAND是大家所知道的英国的大部分,他们是主体民族, 别的是少数民族, 以英语为语言; 其实别的民族的本体语言曾经也很发达, 但随着英的文化入侵和强制剥夺, 现在使用越来越少. 如今的米字国旗就是有英国国旗(红十白底)和苏格兰国旗(斜蓝十字)混合而成的.




全国分4个自治领 分别是英格兰 苏格兰 威尔士 北爱尔





英格兰 苏格兰


在足联刚建立时 英格兰 苏格兰 威尔士 北爱尔兰 都是以地区的身份组队参加的 这是传统 一直沿用了下来



2010南非世界杯第十九届世界杯足球赛(名称:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa?)决赛周将于2010年6月11至7月11日在南非的十个城市举行,本届是首次在非洲举行的世界杯。共有来自世界各地的32队球队参加赛事,共进行64场比赛决定冠伍.....2010年南非世界杯:承办城市与体育场 Greenpoint体育场(开普敦) Nelson Mandela Bay体育场(伊丽莎白) King‘s Park体育场(德班) Mbombela体育场(内尔斯普雷特t) Royal Bafokeng体育场(罗斯敦堡) Free State体育场(布隆方丹) Loftus Versfeld体育场(勒陀利亚) Peter Mokaba体育场(波洛克沃恩) Soccer City体育场(约翰内斯堡) Ellis Park体育场(约翰内斯堡)




德班大球场(D Stadium) 所在城市:德班市

自由州球场(Free State Stadium) 所在城市:布隆方丹市

海湾球场(Mandela Bay Stadium) 所在城市:伊丽莎白港

姆博贝拉球场(Mbombela Stadium) 所在城市:内尔斯普雷特市

彼得·莫卡巴球场(Peter Mokaba Stadium)所在城市:波罗瓜尼市

洛夫托斯球场(Loftus Versfeld Stadium)所在城市:比勒In 2002 snth session of World Cup陀利亚

绿点球场(Greenpoint Stadium) 所在城市:开普敦

2010南非世界杯第十九届世界杯足球赛。决赛周将于2010年6月11至7月11日在南非的十个城市举行,足球城体育场(Soccer City)所在城市:约翰内斯堡



Greenpoint体育场(开普敦) Nelson Mandela Bay体育场(伊丽莎白) King‘s Park体育场(德班) Mbombela体育场(内尔斯普雷特t) Royal Bafokeng体育场(罗斯敦堡) Free State体育场(布隆方丹) Loftus Versfeld体育场(勒陀利亚) Peter Mokaba体育场(波洛克沃恩) Soccer City体育场(约翰内斯堡) Ellis Park体育场(约翰内斯堡)










绿点体育场(Green Point Stadium/Cape Town Stadium)


Since 1930, the 16 tournaments he seen only sn different winners. Howr, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that he ed create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....


1作为特立尼达岛自由(Independent and Liberal Party)的人,沃纳接着表示,美国官员主要是受了申办2022世界杯失败的。

德班大球场(D Stadium) 所在城市:德班市

自由州球场(Free State Stadium) 所在城市:布隆方丹市

海湾球场(Mandela Bay Stadium) 所在城市:伊丽莎白港

姆博贝拉球场(Mbombela Stadium) 所在城市:内尔斯普雷特市

彼得·莫卡巴球场(Peter Mokaba Stadium)所在城市:波罗瓜尼市

洛夫托斯球场(Loftus Versfeld Stadium)所在城市:比勒陀利亚

绿点球场(Greenpoint Stadium) 所在城市:开普敦




1970 Ninth World Cup, Uruguay, Italy, Brazil he won the two championship. So there are always the session of th举办时间:1994年6月17日——七月十七日e cup, the Brazil team took the cup of the swift-footed arrive first.

The world cup is a special prize for the winner of the 1928 FIFA, which was made by Paris's famous jewelry technician, Friel. The model is a Greek legend, the goddess of victory Nike, she dressed in ancient Rome waist gown, arms straight, hands of a large glass.

To this end, FIFA also had to prepare a new trophy to be issued to the next championship. In May 1971, FIFA held a cup of the new Council, by of 53 kinds of scheme evaluation, decided by Italian Gazza, Pennsylvania Design -- two Hercules lifted the design scheme of the earth.

This shape symbolizes the world first movement scale. A new trophy named "world cup". The cup is 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.175 kg, 4.97 kg of the body made of real gold casting. The base is comed of two layers of precious malachite.

FIFA rules the new cup as a mobile prize, no matter which team won the championship, it can not permanently occupy the cup. In the base of the world cup has to accommodate 17 championship team name engred plate - can be used continuously to 2038.

The world cup is now football World Cup trophy, is a symbol of football's highest honor, no matter from the view of structure, value, precious degree, is by no means in any other part of the world cup.

Origin of the World Cup: the world cup is a special award for the winner of FIFA in 1928. It was made by Friel, a famous jewelry technician in Paris. The model is the Greek legend of the goddess of victory Nike, she dressed in ancient Rome tunic, arms straight, hands of a large glass. The cup height 35 cm, weight 3.8 kg, for silver plated cast, standing on the marble base. This trophy is a running trophy. Whor wins the championship can keep the gold cup for 4 years and return it to FIFA before the next tournament to be awarded to the new world champion. In addition, there is an additional rule: who won the world cup three times and who will always get the cup?. World Cup History: World Cup (FIFA World Cup) is FIFA World Cup, is the highest honor, the highest standard, the highest ll, the highest profile football competitions in the world, with the Olympic Games and known as the top two global sporting nts, and n the world's largest sporting nt influence and coverage rate of more than the Olympic Games will the. The world cup is the most coveted sacred glory of all countries in the world of football. It is also the ultimate dream of football players in different countries (or regions). The world cup is held ry four years, and any FIFA member country (region) can send a team to sign up for the nt. The world cup is the source and foundation of the dlopment and popularization of world football, so it is also called "the cup of life"". Brazil is now the most prestigious team to win 5 World Cups and permanently retain the former world cup Rimet cup after 3 World cups. Now the world cup is the world cup, won 4 World Cup champion cup in Germany for the first time in 1974 and are still in use, the two are collectively referred to as the world cup.

1970 Ninth World Cup, Uruguay, Italy, Brazil he won the two championship. So there are always the session of the cup, the Brazil team took the cup of the swift-footed arrive first.

To this end, FIFA also had to prepare a new trophy to be issued to the next championship. In May 1971, FIFA held a cup of the new Council, by of 53 kinds of scheme evaluation, decided by Italian Gazza, Pennsylvania Design -- two Hercules lifted the design scheme of the earth.

This shape symbolizes the world first movement scale. A new trophy named "world cup". The cup is 36.8 centimeters high and weighs 6.175 kg, 4.97 kg of the body made of real gold casting. The base is comed of two layers of precious malachite.

FIFA rules the new cup as a mobile prize, no matter which team won the championship, it can not permanently occupy the cup. In the base of the world cup has to accommodate 17 championship team name engred plate - can be used continuously to 2038.

The world cup is now football World Cup trophy, is a symbol of football's highest honor, no matter from the view of structure, value, precious degree, is by no means in any other part of the world cup.

History of the FIFA World Cup

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly aanced to its undisd status as the greatest single sporting nt of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternay in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.



德 班 市 德班大球场(D Stadium)

A group Russia Saudi Arabia Egypt Uruguay

英国 全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国

沙特 埃及 乌拉圭

Since 1930, the 16 tournaments he seen only sn different winners. Howr, the FIFA World Cup has also been punctuated by dramatic upsets that he ed create footballing history - the United States defeating England in 1950, North Korea's defeat of Italy in 1966, Cameroon's emergence in the 1980s and their opening match defeat of the Argentinean cup-holders in 1990....

B group Portugal Spain Morocco Iran

C group France Australia Peru Denmark

法国 澳大利亚 秘鲁 丹麦

D group Argentina Iceland Croatia Nigeria

阿根廷 冰岛 克罗地亚 尼日利亚

E group Brazil Switzerland Costa Rica Serbia

F group Germany Mexico Sweden The Republic of Korea

德国 墨西哥 瑞典 韩国

G group Belgium Panama Tunisia England

比利时 巴拿马 英格兰

H group Poland Senegal Columbia Japan

波兰 塞内加尔 哥伦比亚 日本


足球城体育场(Soccer City) 所在城市:约翰内斯堡

History of the FIFA World Cup


A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly aanced to its undisd status as the greatest single sporting nt of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternay in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while overThe current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nation(s) over a period of about a month – this phase is often called the World Cup Finals. A qualification phase, which currently takes place over the preceding three years, is used to determine which teams qualify for the tournament toger with the host nation(s). 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.

还有翻译的 ,要吗??

History of the FIFA World Cup

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly aanced to its undisd status as the greatest single sporting nt of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternay in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.


History of the FIFA World Cup

A group of visionary French football administrators, led in the 1920s by the innovative Jules Rimet, are credited with the original idea of bringing the world's strongest national football teams toger to compete for the title of World Champions. The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.

When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup rapidly aanced to its undisd status as the greatest single sporting nt of the modern world. Held since 1958 alternay in Europe and the Americas, the World Cup broke new ground with the Executive Committee's decision in May 1996 to select Korea and Japan as co-hosts for the 2002 edition.

Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.

The FIFA World Cup, also called the Football World Cup or the Soccer World Cup, but usually referred to simply as the World Cup, is an international association football competition contested by the men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The championship has been awarded ry four years since the first tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of World War II.

During the 18 tournaments that he been held, sn nations he won the title. Brazil he won the World Cup a record five times, and they are the only team to he played in ry tournament. Italy, the current champions, he won four titles, and Germany are next with three titles. The other former champions are Uruguay, winners of the inaugural tournament, and Argentina, with two titles each, and England and France, with one title each.

The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting nt in the world; an estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany.[1] The next World Cup will be held in South Africa, between 11 June and 11 July 2010, and the 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil.

from Wikipedia,

World Cup


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