世界杯的英文小报 世界杯的英文小报怎么做

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:33 1

世界杯决赛 英文

--------------------------()In 2002 snth session of World Cup--------------------------------

世界杯决赛的英文是World Cup finals。足球迷 football fans;英国人:足球 football;美国人:足球 soccer 橄榄球 football。世界杯 World Cup;FIFA 世界足协;预选赛 Qualifying Tournaments。小组赛 group stage;淘汰赛 knockout stage;eliminate 淘汰。

世界杯的英文小报 世界杯的英文小报怎么做世界杯的英文小报 世界杯的英文小报怎么做

世界杯的英文小报 世界杯的英文小报怎么做

世界杯的英文小报 世界杯的英文小报怎么做

quarter-finals 四分之一决赛;semi-finals 半决赛;Wo值得一提的是,该会徽设计暗含诸多层意思,白环上有着诸多类似文化的花纹,并配以同卡塔尔国旗相近的暗红色。从宣传动图来看,圆环从一开始的圆形慢慢旋转并起此彼伏,这象征着卡塔尔独特的沙漠景观沙丘。rld Cup Final 总决赛(单数);World Cup Champions 世界杯冠军(复数)。






The host country: UWorld CupSA


与此同时,也突出了卡塔尔当地文化,以及对足球这项美丽运动的暗喻。会徽底部是装饰图案,下边印有“FIFA WORLD CUP QATAR 2022”的英文字样。2022年世界杯还有近3年时间,但卡塔尔已经在不留余力地为该项赛事进行宣传。




At the peak in 1990 fourth session of World Cup --

卡塔尔世界我只喜欢荷兰,所以只给你荷兰的..The Nerlands是荷兰的英文名字.杯英文是FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022。







1. 历史

现在的"大力神杯"是由意大利雕塑家西尔维奥·加扎尼加(Silvio Gazzaniga)设计的,严格来讲,这并不能称作一个奖杯。整座雕塑由18K黄金打造,高36厘米,重4970克。底座上镶有两圈绿色的孔雀石圆环。环中的金色部分设计了17个空格的"英雄榜",用来刻上冠的名称 - 这个"英雄榜"能记录下到2038年所有的世界杯冠军。目前为止,"英雄榜"上已记下了七个名字,他们分别是德国(1974和1990)、阿根廷(1978和1986)、意大利(1982)、巴西(1994)及法国(1998)

3. 所有权


4. "冠军杯"

作为世界杯冠军的纪念品,足联特别按照"大力神杯"同样的设计及尺寸制作了一个品,的区别是原先"大力神杯""是纯金的,而的则是镀金的。而这个品就是的"冠军杯"。这座"冠军杯"将传递到下一个世界杯冠的手中,这也是向公众展示的"世界杯"。通常,"冠军杯"被存放在瑞士苏黎士足部。 正因为"冠军杯" 价值连城,因此它在安排公开展示时有十分严格的控制,而且必须配备严密的保安措施。

5. 目前持有人


6. 价值


FIFA World Cup trophy now-" the FIFA World Cup "in 1970 manufacturing. That year, Brazil after winning the third time can keep the original "Jules rimet trophy" (" the Jules rimet trophy "in 1983 were stolen, hen't found it yet). Since 1974, the "FIFA World Cup" experienced sn World Cup race, in many of the champions included in the United States in 1994 in the Brazil team title.

2. Design

Now of "FIFA World Cup" by Italian sculptor Silvio and Tony add (Silvio Gazzaniga) design, strictly speaking, this is not known as a trophy. The whole sculpture by 18 K gold casting, 36 centimeters high and weighs 4970 grams. The base is laced with two laps of malachite green ring. The golden ring some design 17 Spaces "ic list", used to engre the name of the winner-the " list" can record to 2038 all the World Cup title. So far, "" list has noted 明星足球设计手抄报设计手抄报down sn name, they are Germany (1974 and 1990), Argentina (1978 and 1986), Italy (1982), Brazil (1994), and France (1998)

FIFA will "FIFA World Cup" awarded to the World Cup winner, but FIFA remained "FIFA World Cup" of the ownership. At each of the winner can keep "FIFA World Cup" until the next World Cup. The football team will hussle playes with full, in order to win the gold cup glory and Kings status.

4. "champions league"

As the World Cup champion's national permanent souvenirs, FIFA special according to "the FIFA World Cup" the same design and size made a copy, the only difference is originally "FIFA World Cup" "is made of pure gold, and copy is plated with gold. And this copy is the famous" champions league ". The "champions league" will pass to the next World Cup winner of the hand, this is also the only show to the public of the "World Cup". Usually, "champions league" is stored in Zurich, Switzerland FIFA headquarters. Because of "champions league" prless, so it in public display arrangement is very strict control, and must be equipped with strict security measures.

On July 12, 1998, and France in the World Cup final won "the FIFA World Cup", which is the French football federation collections in the bank's safe, it will be on December 1, 2001 in South Korea final draw to japan-korea World Cup organizing committee. In the back "the FIFA World Cup", France will receive a "champions league", as a permanent memorial they won the 1998 World Cup.

6. Value

"The FIFA World Cup" made by gold, its unique characteristics and the world of the worship of its fans, to make it a prless. The highest glory symbol the football world, "the FIFA World Cup" is for the players in football career most significant achiments, also, it also for all the fans in the world provides infi1974年德国世界杯吉祥物:两个男孩提普和泰普(tipandtap)nite daydream, and stimulate heart love of football。

the World Cup


5. At present holder



Hold time: June 8, 1990 7 month 8 days


Winner: the Federal Republic of Germany


Top goalscorer Schillaci: (Italy) 6 goals


The total audience: 52 s for a total of 2517348 people


Participating countries: 112 countries and regions to participate in the qualifiers, the 24 of them entered the final stage of the competition, is: Argentina, Austria, Belgium,Brazil, Cameroon, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, England,Germany, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Holland, Romania,Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Arabia, United , the former Soviet Union, America, Yugoslia,Costa Rica






Top scorer: Salenko (Russia) 6 goals


Stoichkov (Bulgaria) 6 goals


The total audience: 52 s for a total of 3587538 people


Participants: a total of 144 countries and regions attended the qualifier, in which 24 teams entered the finals, they are:Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Cameroon,Bulgaria, Greece, Columbia, Germany, South Korea, Italy,Mexico, Holland, Norway, Romania, Nigeria, Russia, Spain,USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Northern Ireland, Morocco,Saudi Arabia


The sixth World Cup in 1998


The host country: France


The six session of the world cup is by far the largest in the world cup, the 32 teams in the finals is divided into 8 groups for the. This session of World Cup finals a total of 64 s in France, over ten new . the finals were held in the north of Paris in the France, the stadium majestic, can accommodate more than 80000 fans.


Winner: France


Top scorer: (Croatia) 6 goals.

射手:(克罗地亚)的6个目标。In 1994 fifth session of World Cup

The snth session of the world cup was held from May 31, 2002 to June 30th in Japan and South Korea, for a period of 1 months a total of 64 s. The opening ceremony held in Seoul, the final was held in Japan Yokohama stadium, the remaining nts by the two countries share. This is the first World Cup hosted by the Asian countries, is also the first time in the history of the two countries jointly hosted by.


Chinese football after 44 years of struggle and first went into the world cup. The minimum target before the battle, namely"win a , scored a goal a field"



A total of 32 national teams took part in the world cup


The eighth World Cup, the host country: Germany


Participating countries: Germany, England Paraguay Argentina Holland Mexico and Montenegro brother Sweden Ivory Coast, Iran, Italy Brazil Portugal Croatia Japan France USA Togo Spain Switzerland Ukraine Tunisia in Saudi Arabia



唐代就出现“足球”的竞技比赛,当时叫“蹴鞠”。现代足球起源于英国,随后风靡世界。由于足球运动的快速发展,比赛也随之出现。1896年雅典奥运会举行时,足球就列为正式比赛项目,丹麦以9:0大胜希腊,成为奥运会个足球冠军。因为奥运会不允许职业运动员参加,到了1928年阿姆斯特丹奥运会,足球比赛已无法持续。 1928年奥运会结束后,FIFA召开代表会议,一致通过决议,举办四年一次的世界足球锦标赛。这对于世界足球运动的进一步发展和提高起到了积极的推动作用。最初这个新的足球大赛称为“世界足球锦标赛”。1956年,FIFA在卢森堡召开的会议上,决定易名为“雷米特杯赛”。这是为表彰前足联法国人雷米特为足球运动所作出的成就。雷米特担任足联33年(1921-1954年),是世界足球锦标赛的发起者和组织者。后来,有人建议将两个名字联起来,称为“世界足球锦标赛——雷米特杯”。于是,在赫尔辛基会议上决定更名为“世界足球锦标赛——雷米特杯”,简称“世界杯”。

足球世界杯(the FIFA World Cup)即足联世界杯


世界杯(World Cup,FIFA World Cup,足联世界杯,世界足球锦标赛)是世界平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大赛事。每四年举办一次,任何足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加,而世界杯主要分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段。




HWinner: BrazilI~~~(又犯神经了)









WC--World Cup--世界杯

world cup

world cup

the World Cup



World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held ry four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport. The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting nt in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final of the 1998 tournament was played to a evision audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination s within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament. The women's World Cup was first played in 19 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds r to witness a women's sporting nt. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 nt, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.



After all these years and so many changes, howr, the main focus of the FIFA World Cup remains the same - the glistening golden trophy, which is the embodiment of ry footballer's ambition.

卡塔尔世界2. 设计杯英文:FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

卡塔尔:QatThe host country: Italyar


2022年卡塔尔世界杯(FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022)是第二十二届足联世界杯,于当地时间2022年11月20日(时间11月21日)至12月18日在卡塔尔境内5座城市中的8座球场举行(赛程将原本的32天减至29天)。卡塔尔是继日本、韩国后,第三个主办世界杯足球赛的,也是主办的,同时亦是二战后从未晋级过世界杯决赛圈的主办国。本届世界杯总花费高达2290亿美元,被称为“史上世界杯”。


Today, the FIFA World Cup holds the entire global public under its spell. An accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched the France 98 tournament, including approximay 1.3 billion for the final alone, while over 2.7 million people flocked to watch the 64 matches in the French stadium.

荷兰队:1. 马滕·斯特克伦博格 (Maarten Stekelenb现在足联的世界杯奖杯 - "大力神杯"于1970年制造。当年,巴西队第三次夺冠后可以永远保存原先的"雷米特杯"("雷米特杯"于1983年被盗,至今仍未找到)。从1974年起,这座"大力神杯"经历了七届世界杯争夺战,在众多的冠军中包括了于1994年在美国夺冠的巴西队。urg ) 门将 2. 格里高利·范德维尔 (Gregory van der Wiel) 后卫 3. 约翰·海廷加 (John Heitinga) 后卫 4. 尤里斯·马泰森 (Joris Mathijsen ) 后卫 5. 乔瓦尼·范布隆克霍斯特 (Giovanni van Bronckhorst ) 后卫(队长) 6. 马克·范博梅尔 (Mark van Bommel) 后腰 7. 迪克·库伊特 (Dirk Kuyt) 前锋 8. 尼热尔·德容 (Nigel de Jong) 后腰 9. 罗宾·范佩西 (Robin van Persie ) 前锋 10. 韦斯利·斯内德 (Wesley Sneijder ) 前腰 11. 阿尔扬·罗本 (Arjen Robben) 前腰 12. 博拉鲁兹 (Khalid Boulahrouz) 后卫 13. 安德雷·奥耶尔 (Andre Ooijer ) 后卫 14. 德米·德泽乌 (Demy de Zeeuw) 中场 15. 布拉夫海德 (Edson Braafheid ) 后卫 16. 米歇尔·沃姆 (Michel Vorm) 门将 17. 埃尔杰罗·埃利亚 (Eljero Elia) 前锋 18. 斯汀·斯哈斯 (Stijn Schaars) 后腰 19. 瑞恩·巴贝尔 (Ryan Babel) 前锋 20. 伊布拉希姆·阿费莱 (Ibrahim Afellay ) 中场 21. 克拉斯·亨特拉尔 (Klaas Hunaar) 前锋 22. 博施克尔 (Sander Boschker) 门将 23. 拉斐尔·范德法特 (Rafael van der Vaart) 前腰

世界杯,1986年墨西哥吉祥物:辣椒匹克(Pique)英文:WORLD CUP 简称:WC


Hold time: June 17, 1994 -- July 17th

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《关于世界杯的英语作文带翻译:足球迷》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。


李先生是我的一个。他是一个体育老师,非常喜欢足球。只要电视上有足球赛,他一定要看,即使是The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting nt in the world; an estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany.[1] The next World Cup will be held in South Africa, between 11 June and 11 July 2010, and the 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil.在半夜。在学校他每天踢球。在节日,他在家附近的场上踢。上周他去韩国看世界杯了,要到比赛结束后他才回来。

Mr. Li, my good friend, likes football very much. He watches ry football match on TV. He plays football rywhere so long as it is po ible. Last week he went to Korea to watch the World Cup Football Match. He won't come back until the match is over. He once made up his mind to train his students to play ball and made them to be good football players. In the future,his students will play football for our country.


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