2018世界杯英文翻译 2018世界杯英文翻译是什么

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:35 1


2018世界杯英文翻译 2018世界杯英文翻译是什么2018世界杯英文翻译 2018世界杯英文翻译是什么

2018世界杯英文翻译 2018世界杯英文翻译是什么

2018世界杯英文翻译 2018世界杯英文翻译是什么

1、8 1966 英格兰 英格兰 西德 葡萄牙1. 历史简称WC现在足联的世界杯奖杯 - "大力神杯"于1970年制造。



4、2. 设计3. 所有权足联将"大力神杯"颁给世界杯比赛的冠,但是,足联仍然保留"大力神杯"的所有权。



7、4. "冠军杯"作为世界杯冠军的纪念品,足联特别按照"大力神杯"同样的设计及尺寸制作了一个品,的区别是原先"大力神杯""是纯金的,而的则是镀金的。




11、 正因为"冠军杯" 价值连城,因此它在安排公开展示时有十分严格的控制,而且必须配备严密的保安措施。

12、5. 目前持有人1998年7月12日,法国队在世界杯决赛中勇夺"大力神杯",目前被法国足协收藏在银行保险箱中,它将于2001年12月1日在韩国决赛抽签时送达日韩世界杯组委会。


14、6. 价值"大力神杯"由纯金制成,它的特点和全世界球迷对它的崇拜,使其成为无价之宝。


16、1. HistoryFIFA World Cup trophy now-" the FIFA World Cup "in 1970 manufacturing. That year, Brazil after winning the third time can keep the original "Jules rimet trophy" (" the Jules rimet trophy "in 1983 were stolen, hen't found it yet). Since 1974, the "FIFA World Cup" experienced sn World Cup race, in many of the champions included in the United States in 1994 in the Brazil team title.2. Design3. OwnershipFIFA will "FIFA World Cup" awarded to the World Cup winner, but FIFA remained "FIFA World Cup" of the ownership. At each of the winner can keep "FIFA World Cup" until the next World Cup. The football team will hussle playes with full, in order to win the gold cup glory and Kings status.4. "champions league"As the World Cup champion's national permanent souvenirs, FIFA special according to "the FIFA World Cup" the same design and size made a copy, the only difference is originally "FIFA World Cup" "is made of pure gold, and copy is plated with gold. And this copy is the famous" champions league ". The "champions league" will pass to the next World Cup winner of the hand, this is also the only show to the public of the "World Cup". Usually, "champions league" is stored in Zurich, Switzerland FIFA headquarters. Because of "champions league" prless, so it in public display arrangement is very strict control, and must be equipped with strict security measures.On July 12, 1998, and France in the World Cup final won "the FIFA World Cup", which is the French football federation collections in the bank's safe, it will be on December 1, 2001 in South Korea final draw to japan-korea World Cup organizing committee. In the back "the FIFA World Cup", France will receive a "champions league", as a permanent memorial they won the 1998 World Cup.6. Value"The FIFA World Cup" made by gold, its unique characteristics and the world of the worship of its fans, to make it a prless. The highest glory symbol the football world, "the FIFA World Cup" is for the players in football career most significant achiments, also, it also for all the fans in the world provides infinite daydream, and stimulate heart love of football。

17、希望对你有帮助,不满意可以追问我the World Cup我鸟文不好,一帽子戏法下。


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