动漫里的篮球绝杀是什么 篮球动漫10大排行榜

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:20 1


动漫里的篮球绝杀是什么 篮球动漫10大排行榜动漫里的篮球绝杀是什么 篮球动漫10大排行榜

1、首先,作为名词,“绝杀”可以翻译为buzzer beater, clutch shoot, game-winner以及last-gasp goal。

2、下面一一说明:buzzer beater尽管buzzer beater同时还可以表示“压哨球”,而“压哨球”与“绝杀球”又有所区别:比赛的每一节都可能有“压哨球”,但只有一节决定胜负的“压哨球”才是“绝杀球”。

3、这一点,Wikipedia讲得很明白:clock of a period expires,when the buzzer sounds. The term is normallyreserved for baskets that win or tie the game,but also refers to shotsclutch shoot这个译文容易理解,因为我们前面才探讨过“关键先生”及其译文“Mr. Clutch”, a clutch shooter就是投人“绝杀球”的球员,而clutch shoot就是“绝杀球”。

4、例如:Therethat beat an end of quarter or halftime buzzer. are a lot of players that become a big star because masteringReggie Miller in the 90′s,Puja Stojakovich in early 2000,and Jasonclutch shoot in the perimeter area.game-winner投中一球,即win the game,这就是为什么game-winner可以译为“绝杀”的原因所在。

5、另外,该词的一个常见搭配是hit the game winnerlast-gasp goal这一说法十分形象,是指在比赛的时刻攻破对方球门,对方已没有反扑的机会olast-gasp形象地形容出了“一搏”的紧张激烈状态,比如The team were at their last gasp whenthe whistle went.(球队正做拼搏,这时哨声响了)。

6、关于该译,请看英语作文大全的:England shook off a 6、fib射球假动作traumatic start to the World Cup on Wednesday tobeat tiny Slovenia and squeeze into the second round while the UnitedStates booked their place with a last-gasp goal against Algeria.。


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