詹姆斯高中英文名字怎么写 詹姆斯高中成绩怎么样

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:18 1


全名: 勒布朗·雷蒙·詹姆斯 / LeBron Raymone James

詹姆斯高中英文名字怎么写 詹姆斯高中成绩怎么样詹姆斯高中英文名字怎么写 詹姆斯高中成绩怎么样

但通常我们都叫他勒布朗·詹姆斯 / LeBron James

姓名:勒布朗·詹姆斯 / LeBron James

全名: 勒布朗·雷蒙·詹姆斯 / LeBron Raymone James


LeBron Raymone James




LeBron Raymone James is an American professional basketball player

who currently plays for the Cleveland Caliers of the National Basketball Association.

Commonly nicknamed "King James" and "The Chosen One,"

the Akron, Ohio-born James was highly promoted in the national media

as a future NBA star while still in high school,

and was named Ohio's "Mr. Basketball" three times.

At the age of 18, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Caliers.

Before his NBA debut, James signed an unprecedented US$90 million shoe contract with Nike.

He has since set numerous youngest player records. In his first season,

he received the NBA Rookie of the Year Award ,

and in the following three seasons received All-NBA and All-Star honors.

He led the Caliers to back-to-back playoff appearances in 2006 and 2007;

the latter year the team advanced to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1992

and the NBA Finals for the first time in Cleveland's history.

James is listed as a all forward, but can also play point guard and shooting guard.

This versatility has led to his unofficial classification as a "point forward".

James was a member of the United States men's national basketball team that won the bronze medal in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece,

and he finished second in the league Most Valuable Player balloting in 2006.










1、Chinese name: 勒布朗·詹姆斯

Professional Features: Extremely versatile, and strong rule!

2、中文名字: 勒布朗·詹姆斯

专业特点: 极为全能,统治力强!

LeBron James was born in Akron, Ohio on December 30, 1984. He is an American professional basketball player, a all forward, nicknamed "little emperor" and plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.

James was selected by Cleveland Caliers in the first round of NBA draft in 2003, and was the MVP in 2009 and 2010. James moved to Miami Heat in 2010.

In 2012, James won the NBA's third regular season MVP, the first championship and finals MVP, and won the London Olympic gold medal on behalf of the American men's basketball team, equalling the record set by Michael Jordan in 1992.

In 2013, James won the fourth regular season MVP, the second NBA championship and the second finals MVP, achieving two consecutive titles. In 2014, James returned to the Knights.

In 2016, James led the Caliers to reverse the victory over the defending champion warriors to win the team's first championship and personal third finals MVP. On July 10, 2018, James signed a four-year, $153 million contract with the Lakers.

James basketball is considered to be one of the most versatile players in NBA history because of his high intelligence, sharp breakthrough, excellent vision and passing skills. In 2019, Forbes ranked 17thon the list of 100 celebrities.


勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),1984年12月30日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦(Akron, Ohio),美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,绰号“小”,效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队。






LeBron Raymone James (born December 30, 1984(1984-12-30)) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Cleveland Caliers of the National Basketball Association. Commonly nicknamed "King James" and "The Chosen One," the Akron, Ohio-born James was highly promoted in the national media as a future NBA star while still in high school, and was named Ohio's "Mr. Basketball" three times. At the age of 18, he was selected with the first overall pick in the 2003 NBA Draft by the Caliers. Before his NBA debut, James signed an unprecedented US$90 million shoe contract with Nike. He has since set numerous youngest player records. In his first season, he received the NBA Rookie of the Year Award and in the following three seasons received All-NBA and All-Star honors. He led the Caliers to back-to-back playoff appearances in 2006 and 2007; the latter year the team advanced to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1992 and the NBA Finals for the first time in Cleveland's history. James is listed as a all forward, but can also play point guard and shooting guard. This versatility has led to his unofficial classification as a "point forward". James was a member of the United States men's national basketball team that won the bronze medal in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece, and he finished second in the league Most Valuable Player balloting in 2006. 勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James,1984年12月30日—) 是NBA篮球员,位置是前锋,身高2.03米,体重108.9公斤。他毕业于圣温森特(St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)高中,2003年成为NBA新人状元。现时效力克里夫兰骑士队。詹姆斯詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,在他于NBA的菜鸟球季平均每场就能取得20.9分、5.5篮板、5.9助攻,是继前辛辛那提皇家队后卫罗勃森(Oscar Robertson)及前芝加哥公牛队后卫乔丹(Micheal Jordan)后,NBA史上第三位于菜鸟球季就得到平均“20分、5篮板、5助攻”的球员。

LeBron James

Birthdate: 12/30/84

NBA Position: Point Guard

College: Unlikely

Class: HS Senior

Ht: 6-8

Wt: 240

Hometown: Akron, Ohio

High School: St. Vincent-St. Mary

Has quickly become one of the top players in the NBA … Combines amazing athletic ability with an incredible feel for the game … Among league leaders in points, assists, steals, minutes and triple-doubles … Named to All-NBA First Team in 2005-06, eraging 31.4 points, 7.0 rebounds and 6.6 assists … Youngest player in NBA history to reach the 5,000-point plateau … Became one of only five players in NBA history to erage at least 25 points, seven rebounds and seven assists for a season in 2004-05, earning All-NBA Second Team honors … NBA Rookie of the Year in 2003-04 and was an NBA All-Rookie First Team Selection … One of three rookies in NBA history to erage at least 20 points, five rebounds and five assists … Selected by Cleveland with the top pick of the 2003 NBA Draft … Consensus 2003 National High School Player of the Year.


James' 和 James's 两个都可以

Jess' 和 Jess's 也是一个概念






“Both are correct.

Traditionally, 'James's' was the only accepted possessive. Some style manuals of today allow just adding the apostrophe to a singular word ending in 's'. Some waffle on the issue, saying it's OK to use just apostrophe on proper names (Ross') but still use the 's with common nouns (boss's). That leads to odd things like 'Ross' boss's office'.

One major source, the US Government Printing Office Style Manual, has held the line - if the singular noun ends in 's', add apostrophe +s.

The answer is that both are correct. If you're faced with that in something you're writing for a job or school, find out which style is preferred by the boss or teacher and follow that.

While I was entering this, spelling checker popped up and told me to correct James's to James'. Since I am one who still uses James's, the spelling checker can take that eraser and stick it. ”


发音 :[djemz] zhui mu z 坠姆滋

James' 和 James's 两个都可以

Jame's 所有格


勒布朗·詹姆斯 / LeBron James

全名: 勒布朗·雷蒙·詹姆斯 / LeBron Raymone James



中文昵称:老北京(LBJ,代表LAO BEI JING 和 LeBron James)


号码:23(骑士队) ;6(奥运会)

位置: 小前锋 (或得分后卫)


身高: 2.03米 / 6尺8 (身高一直受人质疑,曾有记者其身高至少2.04米)


生日: 1984-12-30(与老虎.伍兹同日)



球队: 克利夫兰骑士队

绰号:King James(源于右手手臂上的纹身)

选秀: 2003年第1轮第1位(状元秀)

学校: St. Vincent-St. Mary 高中 (俄亥俄州)

国籍: 美国

09-10赛季工资: 3000万美元

合同情况: 4年6300万,2006/7/12签,2007夏生效,2011夏到期,2010夏球员选项

LeBron Raymone James勒布朗·詹姆斯(1984年12月30日—),美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,效力于NBA迈阿密热火队。詹姆斯是NBA有史以来为全能的球员之一,其统治力之强大在现役NBA中几乎无人能及。2003年NBA选秀大会上,18岁的詹姆斯以选秀状元的身份被克里弗兰骑士队选中,在之后的7个赛季里一直效力于骑士队,并且打破了联盟一系列年轻的纪录。2010年,身为自由球员的詹姆斯加盟迈阿密热火队,与同届好友德文·韦德、克里斯·波什并肩战斗。2月3日入选2012年NBA全明星首发阵容。

中文名: 勒布朗·詹姆斯

外文名: LeBron Raymone James

别名: 小,LBJ

国籍: 美国

出生地: 美国俄亥俄州阿克伦

出生日期: 1984年12月30日

毕业院校: 圣文森特-圣马里中学

身高: 2.03米/6英尺8英寸

体重: 120公斤/268磅

运动项目: 篮球

所属运动队: 迈阿密热火队

专业特点: 极为全能,统治力强!

主要奖项: 两届NBA全明星赛有价值球员奖






重要事件: 2003年NBA选秀状元

球衣号码: 6号


英文名:LeBron James

生日: 12/30/84

身高: 2.03m

体重: 108.9kg

位置: 前锋-后卫



英文名:LeBron James

Lebron James

Lebron James

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