各国跳水比赛视频文案英语 跳水术语英文

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:31 1


In the Olympic Games, I like watching diving nt on TV. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I saw diving nt for many times and Guo Jingjing is one of my fourite athletes.

各国跳水比赛视频文案英语 跳水术语英文各国跳水比赛视频文案英语 跳水术语英文

各国跳水比赛视频文案英语 跳水术语英文

China won sn of the eight gold medals in diving at the 2008 Olympics. It is one of the best results at the Olympic Games r. Guo Jingjing had won two gold medals in the women’s 3-metre synchronized springboard and the 3-metre single springboard nts.

Guo jingjing was born in 1981. She began diving when she was sn years old. Guo Jingjing had failed many times, but she didn’t give up. Finally, she won her first victory in 1995.

Guo Jingjing had won many gold medals at the Olympic Games. I love her best and I want to be just like her.


Diving Events Rules


The individual medal diving nts are the men's 3m springboard, the

men's 10m platform, the women's 3m springboard and the women's 10m platform.

Using "fancy" to describe diving is probably more apt for synchronized diving,

which made its Olympic debut at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Synchronized diving

nts consist of men's 3m and 10m and women's 3m and 10m. These nts

consist of two divers leing the platform or springboard simultaneously

and diving toger. Usually the athletes perform the same dive, although

occasionally dives which complement each other are chosen. Divers must attempt

a set number of dives selected from each of the main diving groups. The

springboard competition consists of five groups: front, back, rrse, inward

and twisting. Platform competition includes those five groups, plus the

armstand dive. The United States has dominated the sport of diving, perhaps

to an n greater extent than any other sport at the Olympics. In the 1980s

the Chinese entered diving competition and ed the first serious threat

to American dominance. And now, China claims to be the dream team in diving,

being the target of envy on both the platform and springboard for years.

Led by such stars as Fu Mingxia and Xiong Ni, the team swept five out of

the eight gold medals on offer at the millennium Olympic Games in Sydney.

跳水的个人竞赛项目分为男子3 米跳板,男子10米跳台,女子3 米跳板和女子


水次亮相,双人跳水项目分为男女3 米跳板和男女10米跳台,该项目要求两名









In diving competitions, compes perform a series of dives and are

awarded points up to 10, depending upon their elegance and skill. The points

are then adjusted for the degree of difficulty, based on the number and

types of maneuvers attempted, such as somersaults, pikes, tucks and twists.

A rrse 1.5 somersault with 4.5 twists, for example, is among the most

difficult. Judges are appointed by FINA, the international body governing

diving. If sible, the nationalities of the judges differ from the compes.

The referee is in charge of the competition and makes sure all regulations

are followed. Judges rate both technique and style. Judges assess the diver's

approach, take-off, elevation, execution and entry. Individual diving nts

he sn judges. For synchronized diving, four judges will assess the

divers' skills and five others will judge how the pairs match each other

in terms of height, distance from the springboard or platform, speed of

rotation and entry into the water. Five judges assess the synchronization

of the dives, and four award marks for execution. Two of the four judges

judging the execution focus on each diver's performance. The synchronization

judges focus exclusively on synchronization in the approach, take-off (including

similarity of height), coordinated timing of movements during flight, similarity

of entry angles, comparative distance from the board at entry, and simultaneous

entries. The highest and lowest scores awarded for both execution and synchronization

are discarded, and the final score is calculated in the same manner as other

dives. Each dive is considered without regard to the difficulty figure.



翻腾,转体,屈体和抱膝等空中技术和姿势为基础,例如反身翻腾1 周半转体4 周




起跳,起跳高度,动作完成以及入水进行评定。单人比赛设7 名裁判员,而双人跳

水比赛中,4 名裁判员负责评定动作的技术质量,另5 名则评判选手的相互配合情

况,比如高度与板和台的距离,旋转速度以及入水情况。5 名裁判员评判动作的同

步性,4 名裁判员评判动作的完成质量,其中每2 名负责评判一名选手,评判同步







Diving is a personal athletic competition,

which is entered for by himself.

Athlete jumps over from the divingboard.

He should dives into the swimming pool

or does a series of action,

like various,complicated artistic gymnastics

in the air,diving into the swimming poor with great promptitude and a fine poise.

In 1994, it is the first time for diving competition to be placed on s of Olympic Games in St. Louis.

Divingboard competition was place on s of Olympic Games in Athens.

一篇关于田亮跳水运动员的英语作文 还有一篇邹市明,郭晶晶的英语作文,


Tian Liang (born August 27, 1979 in Chongqing) is a male Chinese former diver. In the Summer Olympics 2004, he won the bronze medal in the 10 m platform nt and a gold medal in the synchronised platform nt. Tian was also the previous 10 m platform Olympics champion, winning gold in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. He is now an actor.

Since then, he and another gold medal winner, Guo Jingjing, often appeared at the public activities. They were better known in unison as Liang Jingjing (the complex name of Tian and Guo, synonymous with the word for 'sparkling').

After belting his multiple Olympic medals, Tian Liang received numerous invitations to lend his name and face to corporate promotions. His involvement in commercial activities, and perhaps other diss with the national team, he led the national team to fire him after repeated warnings. In spite of this, howr, Tian did not cease his diving training but continued to pract with a provincial team. Not only did he maintain his diving standard, he furthermore mad to safeguard a medal at the following Chinese National Games. Although there were great public interest in him rejoining the national team, it did not happen. Tian has since then split his schedule between diving training and public activities. Finally on March 25, 2007, Tian announced his retirement as a diver.

On July 29, 2008, it was announced that Tian would not be rejoining the national team and participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.



Diving into Gold: China's Dream Team

For China's diving team, nothing speaks louder of their "dream team”. China has unquestioned domination in diving. The Chinese diving team claimed five golds at 2000 Sydney Olympics and further took a record six at 2004 Athens Olympics, contributing more Olympic golds for China than other Chinese teams.

They he full confidence in the Beijing Olympics, Some of players are quite young, and they may be nervous to compete at home, they must be more physically and mentally strong."

With "Diving Queen" Guo Jingjing and Olympic gold winner Wu Minxia, China has almost secured the golds in the women's three-meter springboard, both individual and synchronized. Howr, they also he a weak point in the men's 10-meter platform.

Anyway, we are ready to celebrate that Chinese Dream Team to get all 8 gold medals, aren’t we?

a Thought after seeing the diving

Yesterday I came to the Country Swimming Centre,I he enjoyed a very excellent diving s .I find a very good player during the time of competing.Her name is Guo Jingjing.The reason I like her is not dued to his good appearance and show,but her bre and sticking is deeply touched me.Though his beautiful diving action and the result of competing ,I find she has contributed so much.From her ,I he learned too much,and know the necessary of working hard.


One day, li Ming after dinner he took the dog for a walk, walk in the way, he saw many children were at play near the suddenly, he saw a child accidentally fell into the water, next to the children see also try so hard up, some n cried, li Ming see, she immediay after the jump to the water, and then se the children, and the other children saw rescued his partner li Ming are very happy, they commended clap your hands; It was a bre boy!



全红婵在东京奥运会跳水项目,女子十米跳台决赛中获得了,这句话可以用英语The golden medal is got by trump chinese don't olympic s team。

全红婵在东京奥运会跳水项目,女子十米跳台决赛中获得了,这句话可以用英语The golden medal is got by trump chinese don't olympic s team。

全红婵在东京奥运会跳水项目,女子十米跳台决赛中获得了,这句话可以用英语The golden medal is got by trump chinese don't olympic s team。



Quan Hong-chan won gold medal in the women's 10-meter platform diving final at the Tokyo Olympics.

你好,很高兴能回答这个问题,真的有你所说的,这是全红婵在东京 奥运会跳水项目离着10m,票决得的英语怎么说个人觉得有,这根据我的看法,观点来说的话呢,那么我都觉得这是一个真的有你所说的,你只要把你只要把我说的这句话上浏览器浏览一下就行了,希望可以帮助到你汽车

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