欧洲杯的英文表达 欧洲杯的英格兰积分榜

智创体育 2024-09-21 08:32 1

Can you hear me也就是08欧洲杯歌词意思

four backs 四后卫制


欧洲杯的英文表达 欧洲杯的英格兰积分榜欧洲杯的英文表达 欧洲杯的英格兰积分榜

欧洲杯的英文表达 欧洲杯的英格兰积分榜

spot kick 罚点球














的DJ ,让它发挥。


oooowhey ..嘿..嘿,所有的方式

的DJ ,让它发挥。




oooblock tackle 正面抢截ow



我去,我留? (住宿)











的DJ ,让它发挥。



的DJ ,让它发挥。



oooow oooow oooow oooow oooow oooow




的DJ ,让它发挥。




free kick 罚任意球


Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式















欧洲足球锦标赛(英文:UEFA European Football Championship,简称欧锦赛、欧洲杯,是一项由欧洲足联成员国间参加的别足球赛事,于1960年举行届,其后每四年举行一届。

赛事创办时名称为欧洲杯(European Nations Cup,简称欧国杯),其后于1968年改名为现名欧洲足球锦标赛(European Football Championship),但港澳地区至今仍经常把这项比赛称为“欧洲杯”。


longbody check 身体阻挡 drive 远射

At the end of this , the European Cup wilAssistant refereesl be only six feet away from you and you’ll not n able to touch it if we lose.

足球规则介绍 中英文都要(简短)


The rules of football match are formulated and revised by the Council of International Football Association (IFAB), which are the rules that muBrazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式st be followed in regular football matches.


Five meters (yards) from the inside of each goal t, draw two lines perpendicular to the goal line.


These lines extend into the field of play. Five meters (or yards) and connect to a line parallel to the goal line.









Fairplay in football

Basics of football

The Laws of the Game-Field of play

The ball

Number of players



The referee adjudicates the match in collaboration with two lineen (properly referred to as ‘referee’s assistants’) and a fourth official, situated on the touchline, if necessary. The referee’s tasks include acting as a timekeeper (although with a on the amount of ‘injury time’ to be added on to the 45 minutes each half to compensate for injuries and other stoppages), awarding free kicks and penalties and generally dealing with anything requiring a ruling. Can also choose to allow play to proceed in case of a foul, providing there is an ‘aantage’ to be gained by the team against which the foul has been committed.

Follow play from their respective touch lines and to decide on throw-ins, corner kicks and goalkicks along with offside decisions (although naturally the referee has the final say). Can also draw the referee’s attention and aise on or alert him/her to any on-field activity, which can influence all manner of decisions. To signify their decision or grab the referee’s attention, they we a brightly coloured all flag, which they keep at all times.

Duration of the match

The match officially lasts 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves with a half-time interval of no longer than 15 minutes.

In the knock-out stages of competitions, extra-time is used if there is no winner after 90 minutes. This extra period is 30 minutes, split into two 15 minute halves. If extra-time does not find a winner, then a penalty shoot-out takes place, where five players from each team are selected and alternate shots on goal from the penalty spot against the opition goalkeeper. In that instance, the team with the most successful penalties is declared the winner. If they are still tied then they will move on to sudden-death penalties, where each team will take one penalty until one of the two sides has scored move than the other after the side amount of spot kicks.

Start and restart of play

A coin toss takes place just before the starts, the winner of which will get the cho of choosing which end to attack or wher to kick-off. Should they choose to kick-off then the other captain will be allowed elect which end to attack in the first half. Should the winner decide to choose which end to attack then the loser can choose wher to kick-off in the first or second half.

The kick-off is also used after a goal has been scored, the task befalling the team who has conceded, and for both halves of extra-time.


A team can only score if the whole ball crosses the goal line between the goalts. The winner is the team who scores more goals, except in a competition where the ‘away goals’ rule applies. The ‘away goals’ rule means that, if a team scores a goal away from their home stadium, the goal counts extra (therefore, a 1-1 scoreline would mean the away team wins).


The perennial problem for newcomers to football is understanding the offside rule. This is made somewhat harder by the fact there are two elements to offsides in football; being in an offside ition, and committing an offside offence.

To be in an offside ition is to be closer to the opponent’s goal than the last opition outfield player (therefore excluding the goalkeeper) and the ball. Howr, to commit an offside offence is to he the ball played forward towards you while in that ition. As such, you can be in an offside ition and not commit an offside offence.

弧线球 足球运动技术名词。指使球呈弧线运行的踢球技术。足球在运行中,由于强烈旋转,使两侧的空气发生异而形成。由于球呈弧线形运行,故俗称“香蕉球”。踢弧线球时,脚击球的部位应偏离球的重心。常用于绕过位于传球路线中间的防守队员,或射门中迷惑守门员,使之产生错误判断。罚直接任意球时,用弧线球射门已是得分的一种重要方法。

鱼跃扑球 足球技术名词。守门员的一种难度较高的扑球技术。以与球同侧的一脚用力蹬地,异侧腿屈膝提摆,使身体跃出腾空扑球。因是腾身侧面跃出,增大了控制的范围,故能扑出用其他动作难以扑到的球。

清道夫 足球比赛中承担特定防守任务的拖后中卫之别称。1966年第8届世界足球锦标赛,在“固守稳攻”的战术思想影响下,为了加强防守,于后卫线后面安排一个队员,其职责是只守不攻,执行单一的补位防守任务,“打清”攻到本方球门前的来球,因而得名。

自由人 足球比赛“一三三三”阵型中拖后中卫的别称。防守是无固定的看守对象,可机动灵活地补位救险,从而使其他队员,特别是3个后卫在盯人时无后顾之忧。是清道夫踢法的发展,不仅要守,而且要伺机插入进攻线。根据职责,要求担当“自由人”的队员技术全面,战术意识强,比赛经验丰富,是组织、指挥防守的核心。

全攻全守 足球运动战术之一。一个队除守门员之外的10名队员都在进攻和防守的职责,称为“全攻全守”。根据比赛中攻与守的需要,每个队员都可到任何一个位置上发挥这一位置队员的作用。这一战术打破了阵式对队员的束缚,能充分调动和发挥队员的积极性的才能。同时,对队员在身体素质、技术、战术和意志品质、战斗作风诸方面,也提出了更高的要求。1974年第10届世界足球锦标赛中,出现了这种打法,被誉为足球史上的第三次变革。

下底传中 足球运动进攻战术之一。指边线进攻中,通过个人带球突破,或集体配合把球推到对方端线附近,然后长传至对方球门前的战术方法。攻方在快速推进中,常乘对方防线阵脚未稳时,采用此法中间包抄以射门得分。

外围传中 也称“45°角传中”。足球运动进攻战术之一。当攻方有球队员在边线附近与对方球门约成45°角的地区时,用过顶长传把球传向处于对方罚球区附近的同伴,供同伴用头顶球连续进攻,称为“外围传中”。尤其在守方队员已及时退回,且密集在球门前30—40米的地区,通向对方球门的路已被封住,或攻方有身材高大、争顶球能力强的前锋队员时,动用这种打法可取得较好的效果。

交叉换位 足球运动战术术语。比赛中进攻队员为了摆脱对方的防守,在跑动中左右换位的战术配合方法。最常见的有:左侧的队员疾跑至右侧的队员前接球,右侧队员传球后,交叉跑到左侧位置。这一战术配合改变了队员只在本位置范围内活动的踢法,使之战术更变化多端。

长传突破 足球运动进攻战术之一。运用远距离传球突破对方防线的战术方法。当代足球比赛中,多用于快速反击时。防守队员在本方球门前抢截得球,利用对方压上进攻后不及回防的时机,长传给突前的同伴,以突破对方的防线。

插上进攻 足球运动进攻战术之一。指位于第二、第三线的前卫、后卫队员,插入线参加进攻的战术方法。因有纵深距离,故容易摆脱对方的防守,且第二、第三线队员的插上具有较大的隐蔽和突然性。因此,更具威胁性。后卫插入前锋线直接参加进攻是全攻全守战术的一个重要标志。

区域防守 足球运动防守战术之一。每一队员根据位置划分一定的防守区域,在划定的范围内,主要采用站位的防守方法,而不紧逼盯人。这使进攻队传接球比较容易,且在同一区域内出现两个以上进攻队员时,防守就感困难。这一防守战术比较被动,已不能适应足球运动发展的需要,现已很少采用。

密集防守 防守战术之一。球门前的30米区域常被称为“危险地带”。比赛中,双方为了稳固防守,往往组织相当多的人把守这一区域,形成密集状态,以加强保护,减少空隙,阻住对方的突破,称为密集防守战术。

造越位 是一种防守战术。根据规则:进攻队员在接球时,如与对方端线之间防守队不足2人时则为越位。防守队员利用这一规定,在对方传球中,另一队员将触及球的瞬间,突然向前一跑,造成对方接球队员与本方端线之间有一个防守队员的局面,使对方越位犯规。

反越位战术 这是针对对方“造越位”战术而采取的一种进攻战术。当进攻队员觉察到防守者用制造越位的战术破坏本方的进攻时,及时改变传球方向,让在后面的队员插上接球或自己直接带球快速推进射门,从而使对方退防不及。

篱笆战术 也称人墙战术。在自己门前危险区域内,当对方罚任意球时,几个防守队员并排成“人篱笆”,以帮助守门员封住对方射门的部分角度。

撞墙式 比赛中进攻时的一种过人战术,即形成两人过一人局面时,二人一传一切,接球再传者一次出球,使传球者传来的球像撞在墙上一样,从而加快过人速度,故名。



Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also he fun when we play football. We also call it soccer.


It’s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.


More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players he done better match after match.


But we will he a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Fore我在word里用红色给你标注了一些小问题,希望能帮到你ign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.


I love playing football, because I can play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.


kick-off 开球

chest-high ball 平胸球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

bullt 球门前混战

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 钉人防守

close pass, short pass 短传

consecutive passes 连续传球

deceptive movement 动作

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip se (守门员)托救球

clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好

flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley pass 凌空传球

rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球

slide tackle 铲球

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

offside 越位

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to intercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出12、希腊2004年。场)

yellow card 黄牌(表告)


Not kicking, can not touch the ball (except goalkeeper)



钱.朋友.球员.球迷.裁判.草地门将:洛里(托特纳姆热刺)、科斯蒂(雷恩)、曼丹达(马赛).球门to break loose 摆脱.足球.水……


At the kick-off, players from each side must all be in their half of the field. The actual kick-off takes place on the centre spot in the centre circle. The player who kicks off cannot touch it again until another player has made contact.


中场:卡巴耶(水晶宫)、纳-迪亚拉(马赛)、马图to pass the ball 传球伊迪(巴黎圣日耳曼)、博格巴(尤文图斯)、施耐德林(曼联)、穆萨-西索科(纽卡斯尔联)

前锋:本阿尔法(尼斯)、科曼(补位 足球运动战术术语。比赛中集体防守的一种配合方法。指防守中本队一个队员被对手突破时,另一队员前去封堵。两人补位是集体防守配合的基础。防守队员相互间保持适当的距离和角度,是进行及时补位的前提。过去主要指后卫线队员防守时的配合。当代足球采用全攻全守战术,补位的内容也有了相应的发展。担任锋与卫的队员之间在一次进攻中相互位置交换,也成为补位的重要内容之一,从而对补位队员的技术战术意识提出了更高的要求。拜仁)、吉尼亚克(墨西哥老虎)、吉鲁(阿森纳)、格里兹曼(马竞)、马夏尔(曼联)


wing play 边锋战术



赛事创办时名称为欧洲杯(EuropeanNationsCup,简称欧国杯),其后于1968年改名为现名欧洲足球锦标赛(EuropeanFootballChampionship),但港澳地区至今仍经常把这项比赛称为“hand ball 手触球欧洲杯”。



英语写作 请帮帮忙, 前面一句英语,后面是中文想表达的意思。 有的直接写出中文, 请帮我写出英文准确。

triangular pass 三角传球


太简单了,我可The area woven by these lines and goal lines is the free throw area.是啊!但你得先选我为满意再说

足球规则介绍 中英文都要(简短)


The rules of football match are formulated and revised by the Council of International Football Association (IFAB), which are the rules that must be followed in regular football matches.


Five meters (yards) from the inside of each goal t, draw two lines perpendicular to the goal line.


These lines extend into the field of play. Five meters (or yards) and connect to a line parallel to the goal line.









Fairplay in football

Basics of football

The Laws of the Game-Field of play

The ball

Number of players



The referee adjudicates the match in collaboration with two lineen (properly referred to as ‘referee’s assistants’) and a fourth official, situated on the touchline, if necessary. The referee’s tasks include acting as a timekeeper (although with a on the amount of ‘injury time’ to be added on to the 45 minutes each half to compensate for injuries and other stoppages), awarding free kicks and penalties and generally dealing with anything requiring a ruling. Can also choose to allow play to proceed in case of a foul, providing there is an ‘aantage’ to be gained by the team against which the foul has been committed.

Follow play from their respective touch lines and to decide on throw-ins, corner kicks and goalkicks along with offside decisions (although naturally the referee has the final say). Can also draw the referee’s attention and aise on or alert him/her to any on-field activity, which can influence all manner of decisions. To signify their decision or grab the referee’s attention, they we a brightly coloured all flag, which they keep at all times.

Duration of the match

The match officially lasts 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves with a half-time interval of no longer than 15 minutes.

In the knock-out stages of competitions, extra-time is used if there is no winner after 90 minutes. This extra period is 30 minutes, split into two 15 minute halves. If extra-time does not find a winner, then a penalty shoot-out takes place, where five players from each team are selected and alternate shots on goal from the penalty spot against the opition goalkeeper. In that instance, the team with the most successful penalties is declared the winner. If they are still tied then they will move on to sudden-death penalties, where each team will take one penalty until one of the two sides has scored move than the other after the side amount of spot kicks.

Start and restart of play

A coin toss takes place just before the starts, the winner of which will get the cho of choosing which end to attack or wher to kick-off. Should they choose to kick-off then the other captain will be allowed elect which end to attack in the first half. Should the winner decide to choose which end to attack then the loser can choose wher to kick-off in the first or second half.

The kick-off is also used after a goal has been scored, the task befalling the team who has conceded, and for both halves of extra-time.


A team can only score if the whole ball crosses the goal line between the goalts. The winner is the team who scores more goals, except in a competition where the ‘away goals’ rule applies. The ‘away goals’ rule means that, if a team scores a goal away from their home stadium, the goal counts extra (therefore, a 1-1 scoreline would mean the away team wins).


The perennial problem for newcomers to football is understanding the offside rule. This is made somewhat harder by the fact there are two elements to offsides in football; being in an offside ition, and committing an offside offence.

To be in an offside ition is to be closer to the opponent’s goal than the last opition outfield player (therefore excluding the goalkeeper) and the ball. Howr, to commit an offside offence is to he the ball played forward towards you while in that ition. As such, you can be in an offside ition and not commit an offside offence.

弧线球 足球运动技术名词。指使球呈弧线运行的踢球技术。足球在运行中,由于强烈旋转,使两侧的空气发生异而形成。由于球呈弧线形运行,故俗称“香蕉球”。踢弧线球时,脚击球的部位应偏离球的重心。常用于绕过位于传球路线中间的防守队员,或射门中迷惑守门员,使之产生错误判断。罚直接任意球时,用弧线球射门已是得分的一种重要方法。

鱼跃扑球 足球技术名词。守门员的一种难度较高的扑球技术。以与球同侧的一脚用力蹬地,异侧腿屈膝提摆,使身体跃出腾空扑球。因是腾身侧面跃出,增大了控制的范围,故能扑出用其他动作难以扑到的球。

清道夫 足球比赛中承担特定防守任务的拖后中卫之别称。1966年第8届世界足球锦标赛,在“固守稳攻”的战术思想影响下,为了加强防守,于后卫线后面安排一个队员,其职责是只守不攻,执行单一的补位防守任务,“打清”攻到本方球门前的来球,因而得名。

自由人 足球比赛“一三三三”阵型中拖后中卫的别称。防守是无固定的看守对象,可机动灵活地补位救险,从而使其他队员,特别是3个后卫在盯人时无后顾之忧。是清道夫踢法的发展,不仅要守,而且要伺机插入进攻线。根据职责,要求担当“自由人”的队员技术全面,战术意识强,比赛经验丰富,是组织、指挥防守的核心。

全攻全守 足球运动战术之一。一个队除守门员之外的10名队员都在进攻和防守的职责,称为“全攻全守”。根据比赛中攻与守的需要,每个队员都可到任何一个位置上发挥这一位置队员的作用。这一战术打破了阵式对队员的束缚,能充分调动和发挥队员的积极性的才能。同时,对队员在身体素质、技术、战术和意志品质、战斗作风诸方面,也提出了更高的要求。1974年第10届世界足球锦标赛中,出现了这种打法,被誉为足球史上的第三次变革。

下底传中 足球运动进攻战术之一。指边线进攻中,通过个人带球突破,或集体配合把球推到对方端线附近,然后长传至对方球门前的战术方法。攻方在快速推进中,常乘对方防线阵脚未稳时,采用此法中间包抄以射门得分。

外围传中 也称“45°角传中”。足球运动进攻战术之一。当攻方有球队员在边线附近与对方球门约成45°角的地区时,用过顶长传把球传向处于对方罚球区附近的同伴,供同伴用头顶球连续进攻,称为“外围传中”。尤其在守方队员已及时退回,且密集在球门前30—40米的地区,通向对方球门的路已被封住,或攻方有身材高大、争顶球能力强的前锋队员时,动用这种打法可取得较好的效果。

交叉换位 足球运动战术术语。比赛中进攻队员为了摆脱对方的防守,在跑动中左右换位的战术配合方法。最常见的有:左侧的队员疾跑至右侧的队员前接球,右侧队员传球后,交叉跑到左侧位置。这一战术配合改变了队员只在本位置范围内活动的踢法,使之战术更变化多端。

长传突破 足球运动进攻战术之一。运用远距离传球突破对方防线的战术方法。当代足球比赛中,多用于快速反击时。防守队员在本方球门前抢截得球,利用对方压上进攻后不及回防的时机,长传给突前的同伴,以突破对方的防线。

插上进攻 足球运动进攻战术之一。指位于第二、第三线的前卫、后卫队员,插入线参加进攻的战术方法。因有纵深距离,故容易摆脱对方的防守,且第二、第三线队员的插上具有较大的隐蔽和突然性。因此,更具威胁性。后卫插入前锋线直接参加进攻是全攻全守战术的一个重要标志。

区域防守 足球运动防守战术之一。每一队员根据位置划分一定的防守区域,在划定的范围内,主要采用站位的防守方法,而不紧逼盯人。这使进攻队传接球比较容易,且在同一区域内出现两个以上进攻队员时,防守就感困难。这一防守战术比较被动,已不能适应足球运动发展的需要,现已很少采用。

密集防守 防守战术之一。球门前的30米区域常被称为“危险地带”。比赛中,双方为了稳固防守,往往组织相当多的人把守这一区域,形成密集状态,以加强保护,减少空隙,阻住对方的突破,称为密集防守战术。

造越位 是一种防守战术。根据规则:进攻队员在接球时,如与对方端线之间防守队不足2人时则为越位。防守队员利用这一规定,在对方传球中,另一队员将触及球的瞬间,突然向前一跑,造成对方接球队员与本方端线之间有一个防守队员的局面,使对方越位犯规。

反越位战术 这是针对对方“造越位”战术而采取的一种进攻战术。当进攻队员觉察到防守者用制造越位的战术破坏本方的进攻时,及时改变传球方向,让在后面的队员插上接球或自己直接带球快速推进射门,从而使对方退防不及。

篱笆战术 也称人墙战术。在自己门前危险区域内,当对方罚任意球时,几个防守队员并排成“人篱笆”,以帮助守门员封住对方射门的部分角度。

撞墙式 比赛中进攻时的一种过人战术,即形成两人过一人局面时,二人一传一切,接球再传者一次出球,使传球者传来的球像撞在墙上一样,从而加快过人速度,故名。



Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also he fun when we play football. We also call it soccer.


It’s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.


More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players he done better match after match.


But we will he a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.


I love playing football, because I c参考资料来源:an play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.


kick-off 开球

chest-high ball 平胸球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

bullt 球门前混战

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 钉人防守

close pass, short pass 短传

consecutive passes 连续传球

deceptive movement 动作

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip se (守门员)托救球

clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好

flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley passdiving header 鱼跃顶球 凌空传球

rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球

slide tackle 铲球

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

offside 越位

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to i足球是世界上的运动。我们在场踢足球。我们踢足球时也很开心。我们也称之为足球。ntercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)

yellow card 黄牌(表告)


Not kicking, can not touch the ball (except goalkeeper)


mist 未射中


bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

门将Our students must do exercises ryday to stay healthy, and I’ve found that play football is a very good way to stay healthy. Football players must be rugged.:1-卡西利亚斯(皇家马德里)、23-雷纳(利物浦)、13-帕洛普(塞维利亚)




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