英语篮球解析图怎么画 关于篮球的英语配画

智创体育 2024-09-19 08:21 1


The ABA - NBA merger took place in 1976, with four successful ABA teams - the San Antonio Spurs, New York Nets, Denver Nuggets and Indiana Pacers - joining the NBA. The rest of the ABA shut down for good.

1、打篮球的英语是:play basketball; Playing Basketball; Shoot hoops; at school。打篮球,投篮是篮球运动的主要进攻技术,是的得分手段。比赛中进攻队员运用其他各种进攻技术、战术的目的,都是为了创造更多更好的进攻机会,力求投中得分。而投篮得分多少决定一场比赛的胜负,因此,掌握好投篮技术并不断的提高投篮命中率,对于在比赛中取胜具有十分重要的意义。

英语篮球解析图怎么画 关于篮球的英语配画英语篮球解析图怎么画 关于篮球的英语配画

3号:小前锋 (SF)和SG不多

2、双语例句:现在是适合打篮球的时候。Now is the best tSF 小前锋ime to play basketball.


2.middle bladder


空接 alley-oop





盖帽 block

投篮 shoot

罚球 free throw

后仰 fadeaway

防守 defense

篮板 rebound

运球 dribble




5号:中锋 ( C ) 防守,进攻核心 例如姚明和奥尼尔 他们是的中锋






tackle: Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naiith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport. The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naiith began to work. The first game-ball was a soccer ball.抢球

forward: 前锋

goal: 球门

goal-keeper 守门员

free kick,corner kick任意球;角球

corner arc: 角




James 作为世界闻名的篮球发明家,出生于1861年的Ramsay小镇,位于加拿大的安大略。他发明篮球的点子是来自他小时候玩的一种游戏,叫“duck-on-a-rock”。这种游戏就是用一块石头把另一块石头打掉。James 后来转去了魁北克的Montreal大学课程。




C 中锋

PF 大前锋

SG 得分后卫

PG 控球后卫







4号:大前锋 (PF)俗称2中锋 负责篮板球



3、1891年12月21日,由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德青年The first baskets were peach baskets that Naiith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire.会训练学校(现译名为美国春田大学,SpringfieldCollege)体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯发明。1896年,篮球运动传入,并且2002年姚明以状元的身份入选NBA,开启了篮球新的狂潮。




6.PU composite PU










three point play 和 four point play

and 1


NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(篮球协会)。成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。BAA 成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹保铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA 。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。

The History of Basketball 篮球运动的历史


Basketball. The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to he invented it. And that somebody would be James Naiith.

During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro League was founded. After the first game played, Naiith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but manThe NBA, however, had all the money. And therefore, it could advertise, bringing fans and media coverage. The ABA lacked funds, and therefore lacked the means to draw fans and receive the attention it deserved.y more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from it's rim.

篮球作为世界上伟大的运动之一,并不是凭空而来,它一定有自己的发明者。这个发明者,就是James Naiith。James 出生于加拿大的安大略,他曾是一个体育教师。在1891年他在马塞诸塞体育的时候,学校的让他为的活动想出一种运动,而这种运动一定要在室内进行,因为室外很冷。这种运动,按照的要求,一定要使运动员保持棒球和足球比赛时的。于是,他就开始思考这项运动。经过思考,他想出了一种方法:在墙上挂网子,然后把球扔向这个用网子做的篮子里。从此,篮球得以产生。本来,每个队伍有9个队员,但是规则是:把球传向自己队伍的队员,然后设法投向对方的筐子里。从此,篮球就很快传播开来。1885年,高中和大学都开始采用这种运动方式,到1898年,个篮球联盟成立。次比赛后,James设计了13个比赛规则。篮球筐子的边缘框架是在1906年设计的,材料是钢。

Dr. James Naiith is known world-wide as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, near Almonte, Ontario, Canada. The concept of basketball was born from Naiith's school days in the area where he played a simple child's game known as duck-on-a-rock outside his one-room schoolhouse. The game involved attempting to knock a "duck" off the top of a large rock by tossing another rock at it. Naiith went on to attend McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

History of ABA and NBA ABA和NBA的历史

The ABA, a former professional basketball league, lived for nine seasons (1967-1976). At the time of its inception, the NBA only had 10 teams. NBA expansion was needed but, due to enormous financial demands, wasn't happening. So, the ABA was formed.

The ABA had major style. The basketball was wild, with patriotic red white and blue colors, as thought of by George Mikan, the first ABA commissioner. The players were wild as well, showcasing cool moves, fashionable (often ridiculously so) clothes and a bad attitude (in a good way). Many NBA stars first played in the ABA - Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Connie Hawkins, Artis Gilmore, George Gervin and Dan Issel, to name an impressive handful.

Other ABA stars were: Rick Barry, Spencer Haywood, Bobby Jones, Maurice Lucas, Billy Cunningham and Steve Jones. The ABA coaches list includes such stars as Larry Brown, Hubie Brown, K.C. Jones, Lou Carnesecca, Al Bianchi and Doug Moe.

The ABA brought cool nicknames: Bad News. Slick. Dr. J. The Iceman. Fatty. The American Basketball Association had all the flair everyone wanted the NBA to he. ABA games were more wild. Lots of running. Fast breaks everywhere. The ABA had runners and gunners - guys would fly up and down the court, attacking the basket one minute and firing 3-pointers the next (yes, the ABA had the 3-point basket while the NBA did not). The 3-point line tended to force defenders to step out and guard respectable outside shooters, opening up the lane for drives.

The NBA only had the two-point shot, so defenses tended to huddle closer to the basket, encouraging outside shots and not allowing as much to develop close to the basket. Also, there was no fouling out in the ABA. So, while NBA stars would sometimes be forced to sit down due to foul trouble, ABA stars were on the court as much as their bodies and coaches would allow.

ABA basketball was fun basketball.

The ABA was definitely not as good as the NBA when it was first created. Occasional ABA vs. NBA games were played, and NBA teams dominated. Over time, the quality of the ABA talent pool increased dramatically. While it's no longer a big deal for current NBA teams to draft high school players, NBA teams never did that years ago. ABA teams did, and therefore got the jump on a lot of talent that would he gone to the NBA if given the choice. In the later years of the ABA, ABA teams usually beat NBA teams in inter-league competition.

Despite the rise in quality of the American Basketball Association teams as time went on, the NBA still had all the fame and fortune. The ABA was struggling. The league managed to prove itself in many ways - competitive, exciting games, and top notch basketball stars, but it was unable to prove itself as a business. The logical solution - merge with the NBA.

Almost half of the players in the first NBA All-Star game after the merger were former ABA players.




3.layers of fiber

4.i抢断 stealnner bladder


7.PVC co2号:得分后卫(SG)整只队的发动机 负责远投mposite PVC

8.rubber composite


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